2nd Week Assignment Answer

Are you looking for the 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021? Well, you are in luck. On our website, we have uploaded the 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2024 for classes 6 through 9 for all the relevant subjects. Following the start of the pandemic, schools had to be shut down and students were forced to stay at home.

The government came up with an innovative solution to evaluate the students using assignments. This year is no different and students have to complete assignments for their grades. But many students find them difficult to complete. That is why we have solved and uploaded the answers to our website. Scroll down below and you should be able to find them quite easily.

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3rd Week Assignment 2024 Answer


Class 6 Assignment Answer 2nd Week

For class 6 students, we have provided the answers for two subjects which are English and Bangladesh and Global Studies (BGS). They are available for download below.


Think of your first day at school. What experience did you have then? How did you feel – Happy , frightened, thrilled or shy? Why did you feel so?

In your writing use the following cues-

When did you go there?
Who did you go with?
How did you go there?
Who did you meet there?
What did you see there?
What was interesting/ boring to you? Why?
How did you feel after returning home?

Think of a situation when you did something brilliant and somebody congratulated you. Maybe you played or sang well or cooked something for your family or had success somewhere. Now write about that experience. In your writing, mention the following things.

What happened?
When it happened?
Who congratulated you?
How he/she congratulated (e.g. what language was used)?
How did you feel it?

English Assignment class 6

English assignments are difficult to complete because many students are not fluent in this non-native language. If you are looking for the English 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, then click on the link shown here and you will be able to download it.

BGS Assignment

It is important to learn about your own country as well as the world. To download the BGS or Bangladesh and Global Studies 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, you can do so by clicking on the link given here.


১৯৫২ সাল থেকে ১৯৭১ সাল পর্যন্ত সময়কালে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের আন্দোলন ও বঙ্গবন্ধুর অবদানের উপর একটি সচিত্র পোস্টার তৈরি করো।

Class 7 Assignment Answer 2nd Week

Class 7 assignment answers are also available on our website for English and BGS. You should be able to find them below.

English Assignment Class 7


Suppose stranger talks with you and he does not know where your school is. The person asks you to give direction. You both are standing in front of your home. Now draw a map of the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with direction to your school.

We solved the English assignment because many students face difficulties answering questions in a foreign language. If you want to download the English 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, then you can do it quite easily by clicking on the link here.

Class 7 BGS Assignment 2nd Week


ভাষা আন্দোলনের ঘটনাবলি ধারাবাহিকভাবে লেখ। তোমাদের বিদ্যালয়ে সর্বশেষ আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবস কীভাবে পালন করা হয়েছিল তার একটি পর্যায় ক্রমিক বর্ণনা দাও।

The BGS assignment is important if you want to know about the world. To download your BGS 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, you only have to click on this link here.

Class 8 Assignment Answer 2nd Week

We have solved and uploaded the answers to class 8 assignment answers on our website as well. If you want to download them then look for the links below.

English Assignment Class 8


Suppose, you have a foreign friend who is very curious to know about the ethnic people of your country. Now, prepare a fact file on them. You can tell about their dress, food, culture, sports and pastimes in 200 words. Use narratives, images, pictures, tables, or information as needed.


The English assignment is important because it is used globally, so communicating with someone from a different country is convenient to use. If you are looking for the English 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, you can find it by clicking on the link given here.

BGS Assignment 2nd Week 2021


BGS is a very important topic and should not be taken lightly if you don’t want your grades to below. To download the BGS 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, all you have to do is click on the link shown here.

১৯৪৭ সাল থেকে ১৭৫৭ পর্যন্ত যে কোনো ১০টি উল্লেখযোগ্য ঘটনার সময়কালসহ একটি পোস্টার তৈরি কর

Class 9 Assignment Answer 2nd Week

Last but not the least; we have included the assignment solutions for class 9 as well. Scroll down below and you should be able to find the solutions available for download.

English Assignment Class 9


English is a global language and completing this assignment will help the students practice and become more fluent in it. If you are looking for the English 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, then click on the link shown here and you will be able to download it.

Prepare a fact file (a short report of all the most important information on a person or subject) on the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. You can use narratives, pictures, images, information, newspaper clips etc. to support your assignment. Write 180-200 words.

Finance & Banking Assignment

It is good to have knowledge about finance and banking both to take care of personal finance in the future and for jobs in these sectors. To download the Finance and Banking 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, you can do so by clicking on the link given here.


নিবন্ধ রচনা: ‘‘অর্থায়নের ক্রমবিকাশ” (নিবন্ধ রচনার ক্ষেত্রে ভূমিকা, অর্থায়নের ধারণা, ক্রমবিকাশ এবং উপসংহার লিখতে হবে।)

Biology Assignment

Biology is a basic science that all students should learn to make informed decisions in the future or to have a career in biology or medicine. If you want to download the Biology 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, then you can do it quite easily by clicking on the link here.


Politics and Citizenship Assignment

To be a model citizen who makes good decisions, one must learn about politics and citizenship. To download your Politics and citizenship 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2021, you only have to click on this link here.


পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা বিষয়টি পাঠ-শেষে তােমার অর্জনসমূহের তালিকা সম্বন্বিত একটি পােস্টার তৈরি কর।

সংকেত-(নিচের বিষয়বস্তু সম্পর্কে তুমি যা জেনেছ)

  • ১। নাগরিকতা;
  • ২। পরিবার;
  • ৩। সমাজ
  • ৪। রাষ্ট্র
  • ৫। আন্তর্জাতিক সংস্থা

We hope you didn’t encounter any issues while downloading the 2nd Week Assignment Answer 2024 we provided. You can use these to complete your assignment and turn them in within due time. We wish you all the best!

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