PSC Bangla Suggestion 2025 PDF Download. Without the PSC Bangla Suggestion can you think of the Bangla exam? If you have a suggestion then preparation can be very good in the shortest time for the examination. The suggestion is the key to good results. Because the suggestion makes you prepared for the exam. If there is anyone in the role of a teacher, it will be easy for anyone to get prepared. Suggestion plays the role of that teacher to you.
That is why all the PSC candidates want the suggestion before the exam. So that you don’t have to waste time looking for recommendations, we brought PSC Bangla Suggestion 2025. So if you want to get the Bangla suggestion, follow our instruction without any further words.
PSC Bangla Suggestion
What else does it take to good exam preparation if there is a suggestion? Your Bangla exam is eventually approaching. But how prepared are you for the exam? At the last moment, you will need a special suggestion. So considering your preparation, we brought you the Special Bangla suggestion. This suggestion is very inclusive and rich in information. If you can cover this suggestion then you will be relaxed about the PSC result 2021.
What’s in our suggestion?
- Marks distribution
- Special tips
- Chapter based special suggestion
- Created by the experienced teacher
- Question pattern
- Syllabus
- Highlighted exclusive questions.
When will the PSC Bangla exam be held?
Based on the PSC examination routine, Bangla exam will be held at next 18th November, Monday, 2025. The exam will start at 10.30 AM will end at 1 PM.
Check also.. PSC English Suggestion and PSC Math Suggestion
PSC Bangla exam summary
At a glance some information on Bangla exam
- Full marks: 100
- Total time: two and a half hours
- Total questions: 15
- Every question’s answer has to be written
PSC Bangla question pattern
Many students do not know the question pattern of Bangla. Which question carries how much marks, which answers to the questions are mandatory- you must know these. For your convenience, the question pattern and mark distribution are mentioned.
PSC Bangla mark distribution
- There will be two passages. Based on those you have to answer two questions. The first passage will carry 15 marks and the second passage will carry 20 marks.
- You have to write the current form verb. Among the 8 questions, you have to answer 5. The total marks will be 5.
- A paragraph will be provided. According to the paragraph, you have to create 5 questions using who, what, how, when. For this, there will be 5 marks.
- You have to separate the connected letters and then have to create words with those. After that, you have to make sentences with those words. Total marks 5.
- There will be a passage without punctuation marks. You have to use proper punctuation marks in that passage. It will carry 5 marks.
- There will be 5 one word shortening items. Each will carry 1 mark, total of 5 marks.
- A student has to write 5 antonyms. Each antonym will carry 1 mark. 5 antonyms will carry 5 marks. Or a student has to write 5 synonyms.
- There will an excerpt from a poem. Based on that poem you have to answer 3 questions. For this segment, total marks will be 10. You have to fill a form with the necessary information. It will carry 5 marks.
- For application writing, there will 5 marks.
- An easy has to be written within 200 words. It will carry 10 marks.
PSC Bangla suggestion Download
The arrangement you’ve been waiting for has arrived. We didn’t want to mislead you with shortcut suggestions. Because nothing in the world is available in shortcuts. So you have to download our vast suggestion. It can be easily downloaded from our server and saved on mobile or computer. So why the delay? Download the full suggestion now.
Final words
We hope you have got your much desired PSC Bangla Suggestion 2025. Now, according to the suggestion, prepare yourself the best.