Robert Bruce, the King of Scotland, is known for his tenacity and resilience in fighting for his country’s freedom. However, his path to success was not without its challenges. Despite his valiant efforts, he was defeated multiple times, leading him to take refuge in a remote cave. It was there that he witnessed a spider’s perseverance in attempting to reach the ceiling, despite repeated failures. This experience inspired him to never give up on his quest for freedom, and taught him that failure can be the pillar of success.
In this article, we will explore the story of Robert Bruce, and how his determination to persevere despite setbacks made him a great leader. We will also discuss the idea that failure can be a powerful motivator to push forward and achieve one’s goals. Join us as we delve into the story of Robert Bruce and discover the valuable lessons that can be learned from his life.
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Robert Bruce Completing Story
Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.
Robert Bruce was a King of Scotland. He fought several times to regain his country’s freedom. But he was each time defeated. Naturally, he was sad as he did not win. However, he took shelter in a remote cave. One day Bruce was lying in the cave. Then he saw a spider’s condition. The spider was trying hard to reach the ceiling of the cave. But the spider failed again and again to reach the ceiling of the cave………….
Title: The Lesson of Perseverance
Robert Bruce sat in the cave, contemplating his recent defeats. He had fought valiantly to regain Scotland’s freedom, but every time he had been defeated. The thought of giving up had crossed his mind more than once, but he couldn’t bring himself to abandon his people.
As he lay there, lost in thought, he noticed a small spider struggling to climb up to the ceiling of the cave. The spider would climb a little way, then fall back down, only to start the climb again. Bruce watched the spider try again and again, failing each time, until he thought the spider would surely give up.
But the spider did not give up. It kept climbing, each time getting a little higher, until finally, it reached the ceiling of the cave. Bruce was amazed at the spider’s determination and perseverance. He realized that, like the spider, he too must keep trying, no matter how many times he failed.
With renewed determination, Bruce left the cave and set about gathering his supporters. He knew it would be a long and difficult road, but he was determined to fight until he succeeded. And fight he did. With each battle, he gained more allies, and eventually, he succeeded in regaining Scotland’s freedom.
From that day on, Robert Bruce never forgot the lesson he learned from the spider in the cave. He knew that perseverance and determination were the keys to success, and he applied that lesson to every aspect of his life, both as a king and as a person. And Scotland thrived under his leadership, thanks in part to the lesson he learned from a small spider in a remote cave.
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Robert Bruce Completing Story for SSC
Title: Robert Bruce and Spider
Robert Bruce was a King of Scotland. He fought several times to regain his country’s freedom. But he was each time defeated. Naturally, he was sad as he did not win. However, he took shelter in a remote cave. One day Bruce was lying in the cave. Then he saw a spider’s condition. The spider was trying hard to reach the ceiling of the cave. But the spider failed again and again to reach the ceiling of the cave.
However, the spider did not give up hope. Bruce saw the spider’s hard work. He noticed the spider’s climbing to the ceiling after some unsuccessful attempts. This dauntless spider inspired Robert Bruce to shake off the darkness of despair. He again gathered an army of strong men. Finally, he along with his army attacked his enemies. The enemies courted defeat. Thus Bruce regained his kingdom. It taught us that ‘perseverance is the key to success’.
Completing story: Failure is the pillar of Success
Completing Story on Robert Bruce and His Kingdom / Failure is the pillar of Success completing story for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
Title: Robert Bruce and His Kingdom
Failure is the pillar of Success Story; Robert Bruce was a famous king of England. His kingdom was invaded by enemies. The king fought. So, he fled away from his kingdom and took shelter in a remote cave. Bruce was always in a gloomy state for his kingdom’s condition. Once he was thinking of his sad lot lying in the cave. Suddenly he noticed a spider trying hard to reach the ceiling of the cave.
The spider failed more than 5 times to attain success. But it did not give up hope. Bruce saw the spider climbing to the ceiling after six unsuccessful attempts. This dauntless spider inspired Robert Bruce to shake off the darkness of despair. Robert again gathered an army of strong men and attacked his enemies. The enemies courted defeat, and Bruce regained his kingdom.
Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland under the rule of an English king. He wanted to make Scotland a free country. He fought many battles but was defeated many a by his enemy. He fled from the battlefield and hid himself in a cave to save his life. He had no more courage to fight another battle.
In the cave, the king saw a spider. The spider was hanging with a thin thread. It was about to reach its cobweb when it fell to the ground. He tried, again and again, to climb up to reach its web, and every time it failed. But it did not give up its efforts. At last, it succeeded in reaching a lesson from the spider. He gathered his lost courage and learnt a lesson from the spider. He gathered his army once again. He decided in defeating his enemy.