Department of Youth Development job exam is knocking at the door. DYD admit card download 2025 –, Download Admit Card – Department of Youth Development 127 Posts Youth Development Department Job Exam Schedule Released. Youth Development Department Job Exam Schedule. Post Name: Assistant Upazila Youth Development Officer and cashier. Exam Date: 30-12-2025. Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Office of The Director General.
DYD application form was completed; now, they are waiting for the Department of Youth Development exam date. The applicants are waiting for the long exam date and admit card notification. Early has been published and admit card is upload-
Department of Youth Development Exam Info
Department of Youth Development, 108 Motijheel C/A. Dhaka-1000, Admit Card for the post of ‘Cashier’. Admit card is available only for the post of “Credit Supervisor” and “Stenographer Cum Computer Operator” You can download DYD admit card from here. Besides, another post admits card download notification will send by Mobile SMS soon.
Today admit card notice has been published. Applicants can download admit card is very soon. Those who apply can download admit card online systems which can download.
DYD Admit Card Download
Ntrca teletalk application form was completed; now, they are waiting for the ntrca teacher exam date. The applicants are waiting for the long exam date and admit card notification. Early has been published and admit card is upload-
You can follow the steps below to download your admit card for Department of Youth Development exams. Please read this carefully.
- Go to
- You will find the page of the admit card download.
- Write down your User ID and Password.
- Click on the Submit button.
- You will get your admit card instantly.
- Download and print the admit card.
It is a must for all candidates to carry the printed copy of the admit card in the exam hall.
Department of Youth Development Admit card Notice
Before Enter exam hall, read this carefully
1. This admits card must be carried for MCQ, written, oral and practical (where applicable) examinations. written, No separate admit card will be issued for practical and oral examinations;
2. Candidates must take their seats 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination and cannot leave the room until the examination is over. No candidate will be allowed to enter the center after the commencement of the examination. The candidate must sit in his assigned seat;
3. Candidates must participate in the examination following the hygiene rules prescribed by the government;
4. In the case of written examination, writing should be completed within the provided answer sheet/book. Supplying any additional notebooks or papers will not and must be submitted along with the used question papers;
5. Mobile phones, watches, electronic devices, books, calculators, bags, etc. cannot be brought into the examination room. During the exam
Legal action will be taken against the candidate, including cancellation of the answer sheet if any kind of misconduct or malpractice is resorted to;
6. In all cases the signature must match the candidate’s signature on the application form;
7. At the time of oral examination original certificates of all educational qualifications, original copy of national identity card, by 1st class gazetted officer Original copy of given character certificate, Citizenship of Union Parishad/Municipality/City Corporation as proof of own district Original copy of certificate/certificate and certificate issued by competent authority as per Govt latest policy of quota candidates 1 set of photocopies of all certificates/conveyances must be submitted showing the original copies of the letters/conveyances;
8. In each case the successful candidates will be informed about the next examination schedule through SMS;
9. No TA/DA will be provided for written/oral/practical (where applicable) examination;
10. Exam information and results will be published on the website of the Department of Youth Development (;
11. The authority reserves the right to take/change any decision regarding recruitment.