Finish searching for the class 7 BGS assignment answer and relax. This is the place where you belong and will find all the solutions to your assignments given by the school. For now, we will be talking about the class 7 BGS assignment answer 2nd Week only.
Even if you aren’t a student of class 7, you can easily pass this to your young fellows who are currently struggling with their assignments. As things have changed drastically this year, we need to fight them in a different way. And the primary goal for us is to find out the perfect class 7 BGS assignment answer.
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Class 7 BGS Assignment Answer 2021
Bangladesh and Global Studies play a great role to create responsible and sensible citizens for this country. In this era of the internet, people often aren’t bound to any border. So, it also makes them a global citizen.
Though every component of this subject is equally important, students are often seen to neglect them and use shortcuts to get quick marks. This doesn’t build any base of the subject in the long run. So, we don’t want you to blindly copy anything from the class 7 BGS assignment answer.
Just go through it and try to understand how we pull out the solution from every problem. Also, be careful about the narrative when you are writing assignments or answers in the exam. As a theory-based subject, it needs a lot of attention to detail to do well in this subject.
Don’t like this boring discussion? Okay, let us take you to the class 7 BGS assignment answer.
Class 7 BGS Assignment Answer 2nd Week
- তদানীন্তন পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের প্রতি পশ্চিম-পাকিস্তানীরা যে সব বৈষম্য সৃষ্টি করেছিল তার একটি তুলনামূলক চিত্র উপস্থাপন কর।
- বাংলাদেশের সাংস্কৃতিক বৈচিত্র্যে ধর্ম, ভাষা ও উৎসবের ভূমিকা ব্যাখ্যা কর।
২. তােমার এলাকায় নির্বাচনের সময় যেসব নির্বাচনী আচরণবিধি পালন করা হয় তা বর্ণনা কর।
We have compiled all the answers for the class 7 BGS assignment and presented everything in a manner that you can easily download in a few clicks. Open the image and download it for the complete solution. Even then you can write the answer yourself taking this solution as a guideline.
You can also share this solution with your fellows so that they also understand the importance of taking Bangladesh and Global Studies seriously.
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