Bangladesh small and cottage industries corporation had to publish the BSCIC teletalk admit card 2025. The latest notification has been published on the website. The seat plan is also published. It will be found on the website The authority wants to make it easy to download the admit card for the candidates. The notice is sent to all of the applicants for download. The written examination will be held on 18th June.
This examination is a great opportunity for the unemployed people of the country. The candidates who have applied successfully are waiting for the admit card. It’s one of the most popular and largest organisations in the country. The main purpose of the examination is to get more manpower for the services.
BSCIC Admit Card 2025
It’s a government examination. The examination will be held on Friday or Saturday. Applicants can download the admit card for the MCQ and written examination. The download link can be found on the website. The BSCIC examination will be held on the 22nd of August at 3 pm. It will be written and MCQ examination. The examination will be taken by the authority of the BSCIC.
How to download the BSCIC admit card?
The download process for the BSCIC admit card is easier. The notice to download the admit card is already sent to the candidates. But some of the candidates can’t download the admit card. Because they don’t know the process properly. To download the BSCIC admit card, you have to go through the following process :
- First, search and go to the official website of teletalk and wait for a while.
- Now a menu will appear on the screen. You have to click on the option admit card
- Put your user name here and password to login into the portal
- Give the pin number here and fill up the information properly
- Now you can download your admit card
- Once you download the admit card successfully, print the admit card.
BSCIC seat plan
The seat plan for the BSCIC examination will be scheduled by the authority. The seat plan will be available on the website. Applicants can know about the seating plan and exam date and time from the sms on their mobile phone. It will be delivered by the authority of the BSCIC. The applicants have to be present in the exam hall half an hour before the examination. The candidates can’t bring a watch or mobile phone or another electronic device to the exam hall. The candidates have to bring the necessary documents like certificate, nid card and experience certificate to the examination hall.
BSCIC exam result
The result of the BSCIC exam will be published soon. When the result will be published, candidates will be able to see the results on the website. It will be published based on the roll number of the candidates.
Hope that you have got all of the points here. Now you will be able to download BSCIC admit card. Go through the full article to download the admit card properly.