HPV Vaccination in Bangladesh: An innovative program to immunize against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been initiated by the government of Bangladesh. By protecting them from cervical cancer, a disease that kills thousands of women in Bangladesh each year, this program hopes to safeguard the health and future of millions of girls throughout Bangladesh.
The campaign would begin in Dhaka and be carried out over the whole nation in three parts. The safe and highly effective vaccine will be given away without charge to nearly 10 million girls in grades V through IX, including those who are not enrolled in school and are between the ages of 10 and 14.
When the HPV Vaccination Campaign Will Start?
All of the girls in the Dhaka division have received 2.3 million HPV vaccines thanks to Gavi’s assistance. The administration has stated its commitment to working with the Ministry of Education and vulnerable groups, as well as adopting particular initiatives to include street girls and other out-of-school girls.
The HPV vaccination campaign will begin on October 15 in all districts, upazilas, city corporations, and municipalities of the Dhaka Division by monitoring the girls who received the immunization during the opening ceremony.
This program will run for four weeks, or a total of 18 working days in a month. HPV activities will be finished in educational institutions over the first 10 working days, or from October 15 to November 2. From November 4 to November 16, immunizations for out of school will be offered on 8 working days.
Key Benefits of HPV Vaccination:
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the primary cause of cervical cancer. But since the HPV vaccine can potentially prevent cervical cancer with a single shot, this effort is essential in eradicating this risk. Learn the advantages here:
- The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has taken the initiative to offer this immunization free of charge.
- Cervical cancer is avoided by the HPV vaccine.
- For girls in grades 5 to 9 or unschooled teenagers aged 10 to 14, the immunization is most effective.
- To prevent cervical cancer, just one dosage of the HPV vaccine is required.
- The HPV vaccine has undergone extensive testing and is both safe and efficient.
HPV Vaccination in Bangladesh Registration:
Only girls and girls of the Dhaka division are currently able to register for the HPV vaccination; the process for the other divisions will begin gradually. You must take the following actions in order to register for the HPV vaccine:
- Visit the Vaxepi gov bd official website
- Click the Registration Button after that.
- Next, enter your birth date, the number from your birth certificate, your gender, and the captcha code.
- Click the Verify button to continue.
How to Login in HPV Vaccine?
When you want to vaxepi gov bd login you must go through few steps. Here are the steps:
- First, enter the Vaxepi gov bd official website and from here go to login page.
- On the login page you will see 4 options which you have to fill up correctly.
- In this case you have to put the month, date and year of your birth in correct form in the date of birth box.
- Then enter your birth registration number correctly.
- Now type the above code in the captcha code box.
- Click on login button. Now you have successfully logged in.
Where To Get HPV Vaccine Registration in Bangladesh?
students enrolled in accredited educational institutions in grades 5 through 9. Girls between the ages of 10 and 14 who are not currently enrolled in school, at EPI Immunization Centers.
After registering on the Vaxepi app or website, eligible girls in Dhaka will receive the vaccine at their educational institutions or approved immunization centers during the first phase, which will last for 18 days. In 2025, additional categories will be covered.
টিকা গ্রহণের স্থান
- ৫ম থেকে ৯ম শ্রেণিতে অধ্যয়নরত ছাত্রী – অনুমোদিত শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে।
- শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান বহির্ভূত ১০-১৪ বছর বয়সী কিশোরী – ইপিআই টিকাদান কেন্দ্রে।
টিকাগুলো কারা গ্রহণ করতে পারবেন
- ৫ম থেকে ৯ম শ্রেণি অথবা সমমানে অধ্যয়নরত ছাত্রী।
- শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান বহির্ভূত ১০-১৪ বছর বয়সী কিশোরী।
How To Download HPV Vaccine Certificate?
Enter your Birth Certificate number and date of birth (according to the National Identity Card) in the form below and click on the “Verify” button. An OTP code will be sent via SMS to the mobile number provided at the time of registration. Then, you can download the HPV Vaccine Certificate.
Check here: Birth Certificate Registration Online Application Form
FAQs about Vaxepi Gov BD
লগ ইন করতে কি প্রয়োজন?
লগ ইন করতে হলে সঠিক জন্ম নিবন্ধন নম্বর এবং জন্ম তারিখ প্রদান করতে হবে। জন্ম নিবন্ধন এবং জন্ম তারিখ সঠিক হলে এই পোর্টালে নিবন্ধন এর সময় ব্যবহারকৃত মোবাইল নম্বরটিতে ওটিপি প্রেরন করা হবে।
The Government of Bangladesh is to be commended for starting this immunization campaign in the Dhaka Division, which is aimed at all eligible girls. This program will make a substantial contribution to the present and future health of our female population.
This strategy demonstrates Bangladesh’s dedication to the health and welfare of its youthful population and paves the path for a future that is both healthier and more prosperous.