It goes without saying that getting pure foods is one of our basic requirements of existence. Human consumption is the most sensitive aspect of the body. Consuming balanced portions of different foods is a must for a healthy life. But food adulteration forces our lives to fall in risk. So in this food adulteration paragraph, we would about the matter in detail.
As much as eating good foods keeps us healthy, taking even a small amount of harmful substances, for a shorter or longer time, may result in severe illness, even death. And when the harmful substances are mixed with our foods and then we get required to eat, we fall in the trap of the vicious circle of food adulteration.
Food Adulteration Paragraph
Food adulteration is basically changing the true quality of pure foods by adding chemical additives. It spans from adding mild chemical preservatives to extremely harmful substances. Be it poultry, fruits, spices, and even daily bakery items; everything is getting adulterated nowadays. The reason for adding preservatives to the food is obvious: to get more profit out of the scope. And that is why it is getting out of control only because of the endless green of dishonest and immoral businessman.
Chemical additives are added to increase their shelf life. The longer a product stays in good quality, the more it is easier to sell off to innocent customers. For example, mango is a perishable food. In each year, thousands of tons of mango get produced in the summer, and to make sure that all mangoes are sold before it gets perished, businessmen add substances like formalin to prevent the perishing.
Not only this, but fruits also get injected with substances like Carbide, one of the most harmful chemicals for the human body, to look ripe and attractive to customers. Sugary water or color water gets injected in fruits to make it taste better. Harmful chemical colors get added in regular foods like spices, milk gets water added to increase the quantity.
Poultry farms feed harmful things to animals in order to increase their size and to sell in bigger quantity thereafter. Not only that, but pricey products also get mixed with disguising elements to increase the quantity and to get more profit out. This heinous activity is getting out of control is that there are not enough strict government restrictions and implementations.
Also, identifying foods with additives is not very easy throughout the country. As harmful substances like DDT, Aldrin, Formalin, Chlordane, etc are available, even micro-level sellers are being able to poison foods. Mobile courts roam in the streets to identify and punish the sellers, but unless the span of searching increases, it is impossible to uproot the criminals from their cores.
Then again, many sellers offer foods with no harmful additives, and as such, they do require increasing the price a bit. But people from a middle-income country like Bangladesh will never be willing to pay an additional amount of money to avoid things as such. Consuming harmful chemicals on a low scale may not have any impact soon, but they will be the reason for serious physical damage and diseases like cancer, lung diseases, kidney failures, etc sooner or later.
Many of our people are under the poverty line, and most are unaware of the dangerous and long-lasting effects this has. So making them aware of such events will not make them willing enough to buy pure goods at a high price. This is exactly the point the selfish businessmen are getting their additional profit from.
Food Adulteration Paragraph For JSC/ PSC Students
Food is one of the basic human needs. It is essential for health and life. And this food must be pure, clean and fresh. But nowadays foods are being adulterated using many harmful things. We know these things as adulterants. Food adulteration    means making food or drink impure by mixing another substance with it. Food adulteration is an intentional crime. The main reason of food adulteration is greed. A section of dishonest and greedy businessman           want to get more profit and so adulterate food. They forget humanity. They have no morality. Food Adulteration causes various health hazards. Adulterated food causes different fatal diseases like liver cirrhosis. kidney failure, heart disease, infection, cancer and many people may die premature death. The criminals have to be indentified and punished. The government has vital role to play in stopping this heinous activity. It is a matter of hope that our government has already taken proper measures to remove this problem, punish this criminals and save the people from this dreadful practice.
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Independence Day of Bangladesh Paragraph
In the end of this food adulteration paragraph, we would say that the mass implications of identifying the food adulteration and setting up examples by penalizing or punishing them could be the only way out of this vicious circle of food adulteration now.