A lot of candidates all over the country have already participated in the DU GA unit admission test. Many of you are feeling great because of your good performance in the exam and some of you are still confused about your answers. Whatever your situation is we know that you all are eagerly waiting for the DU GA unit question solution. Considering your needs and expectation, we have come up with the right question solution so that you can match your answer.
DU GA Unit Admission Exam
The authority of Dhaka University had published an announcement a few days ago regarding the admission exam date. As per the decision of the authority, the admission exam date was the 03rd of June 2025. The exam time was 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. The duration of the exam was one and a half hours. So you already have completed your admission test. Now, it is time to get the DU GA unit question solution so that you can see how many answers you have corrected.
DU C Unit Question Solve
DU C unit is the same as the DU GA unit. So DU C unit question solution is the same as the DU GA unit question solution. Most of the questions in the admission test were pretty easy. But there were some critical questions as well. These questions will play an important role and will be playing the determining role in whether you will be successful in the exam or not. So knowing the answers to all these questions is important. But do not worry about the answers or solutions because we have come up with the solutions after completing them by our experts.
Dhaka University Admission Question Solve PDF
DU C Unit General English Solution
DU C Unit Accounting Solution
DU C Unit Business Entrepreneurship Solution
DU C Unit Marketing Solution
DU C Unit Finance & Banking Solution
DU GA Unit Question Solution
Getting your DU GA unit question solution is not a very tough thing. If you click on the link we have provided here on our website, you will get the full solution of your DU GA unit questions. Apart from that, you will also get the solution to the questions by checking the image in this article. Now, it is your turn to check the question solutions and count how much you have provided the correct answers.
DU Admission C Unit Question 2025 Solve PDF
Dhaka University GA Unit Admission Result
Question Pattern and Mark Distribution of DU GA Unit Admission Exam
The question pattern of the DU GA unit admission exam is the MCQ exam and written exam. The marks for the MCQ part are 60 and the marks for the written part are 40. There is a total of 60 MCQ questions carrying 1 mark for each question and for every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. And for the written part, you need to answer on the specific field of the answer script.
Final Words
Finally, we hope that you have already downloaded the DU GA unit question solution by clicking on the link we have provided. The solution we have posted here is fully correct as some of our expert teachers have solved all the questions. So there is no confusion about the correctness of the answers. You can check and match your answer without any confusion.