Many people are confused about the PEC Exam Result. Most of them don’t know when the result will be published or how to get the result. That is why they have to wait until the afternoon to see the result. But you can get the PEC exam result 2025 at your home if you know some basic rules and information. There is nothing to worry about. We have come up with all the information related to the PSC exam result. Let’s know about it in detail.
PEC Full Meaning
What we generally call PSC, its actual name is PEC. Many don’t know the full meaning of PEC. PEC stands for Primary Education Certificate. The first stage of our education system is primary education. PEC consists of primary, ibtedayee and all equivalent education. Govt has started the PEC exam to give primary education certificates to students.
PEC Exam Result 2025 will be publish on 31st December 2025.
How To Check PEC Result 2025?
The days of waiting for the result in schools have gone. Now you can get the result just at your home. You can check the result online and through SMS. Take a look at how to check the result.
- PEC Result online: Those who want to check the PEC exam result online, please follow the steps below.
- Go to the link
- Then select the name of the examination “প্রাথমিকশিক্ষাসমাপনীপরীক্ষা”.
- Select the division and district of your educational institution.
- Select Upazilla/Thana in the same way.
- Put your roll no in the last box.
- Click on the “সমর্পণকরুন”.
If everything is correct, you will get the result in a few seconds. You can check the result online in a different way.
- PEC result online alternative way: To get the PEC exam result in an alternative way, visit this link:
- Fill the passing year as 2025. It will be set to 2025 by default so you don’t need to change it.
- Write your student ID in the next box and click on the “Submit” button.
That’s it. You will get your results instantly.
PEC result 2025 by SMS
PEC result by SMS: Those who want to get the PEC result through SMS, go to your mobile phone’s message option and type as given below.
DPE<space>Student ID and Send it to 16222
Example: DPE<space>456778 then Send it to 16222
Also, you can see the detailed guideline for the PSC result 2025 here.
PEC Scholarship 2025
Govt is offering scholarships for the students passing in PEC. But no separate examination is held for this like before. Scholarships are given on the basis of the PEC result. Students awarded with scholarships will be given a special allowance.
PEC Scholarship at a glance
- Talent pool scholarship will be given from the national merit list.
- Scholarship in the general category will be given District-wise.
- Awarded students will be given a one-time and monthly allowance.
- This time, the PEC scholarship result may get published in April.
Last Words
This time, the PEC exam result will be published in the last week of December if anything earth-shattering doesn’t happen. We hope that day will be one of your most memorable days.