Janata Bank Question Solve For Executive Officer 2025 download from our website. Public Janata Bank assistant executive officer & assistant executive officer teller (cash) post circular exam was held on today 24th March (Friday) 2025. Janata bank, department of human resources was confirmed about that. That exam was held by 2 shifts. 1st one was morning shift at 9:00 am to 10:00 am & another was day shift at 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Exam time duration was 1 hour. Total vacant Executive Officer – 834 posts, For Assistant Executive Officer – 464 posts and Assistant Executive Officer – Teller — 536 posts & total applicant was 3 lakh 50 thousand.
Janata Bank Question Solve 2025
Janata Bank Exam pattern:
Bank job exam is usually done by 3 steps. That is MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions), written exam & viva. 1st part is MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) & 2nd part is written. Total marks is 100 for MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions), written 200 & viva 25. MCQ & written question is made by 4 subjects. Such as: bangle, English, mathematics, general knowledge (about Bangladesh & international). In Viva, candidates faces Thematic, contemporary and general knowledge related question.
Janata Bank Exam recruitment Result
Janata Bank Exam Question Solve For Executive Officer
[Morning Shift]

Janata Bank Exam Question Solve For Executive Officer
[Afternoon Shift]
In Bangla, normally question is made from HSC & graduation level.
- Language & Literature: Bangla Literature history related Book and author, The first composition prominent writers, real name of writers, Title and the anonym, birth year of writers, birth place etc.
- Grammar: Word, sentence, Sandhibicched, Conviction,
English Language & Literature, fill in the gaps, preposition, correction word, narration, word meaning, translate, Phrase and idiom etc in MCQ exam. In written exams, paragraph writing, essay, letter, Essence, Article etc. are important.
Math question is made from SSC or similar exam. Question pattern may be made from Arithmetic, algebra and geometry Normally . La. Sa. Gu. & G. sha. Gu, Metric system, unitary method, Ratio,
Proportion, Partner, Deal,, Profit and loss , average, percentages, Sudakasa etc.
General Knowledge:
Recent times news which may be national or international.
Bangladesh: Agriculture, Forestry, animal and mineral resources, War, industry and trade, geographical position, Size, borders, rivers, agencies and organizations, Awards and honors, ethnicity etc.
International: World politics, Nation, outline, global economy, Industry and commerce, sport, famous personalities, International agencies and organizations, agreements and certificates, awards and honors, famous places and establishments etc.
In bank job exam daily science 7 computer related question is important.
If you have any question about Janata Bank Question Solve 2025 for Executive Officer, Assistant Executive Officer and Assistant Executive Officer (Teller) then comment below or message us through Facebook.