The Physics Assignment of Class 11 Answer for 1st Week assigned task of 2025 is available on our website for download. HSC inter 1st year students of Bangladesh Secondary and Higher Secondary Education board can get all subject assignment syllabus and answer from here. As the assignment process is an ongoing process of the education directorate, download Class 11 physics assignment answer from the PDF link. Therefore, download one’s HSC Physics 1st paper Assignment answer 2025 for the 1st Week from here as it is free and open for all learners in the country.
Class 12 Physics Assignment 2021
The answer for Class 12 assignment for 1st Week is very prominent for our students. It could be vital for our students as it is the last academic task they are doing officially in 2025 by the education directorate. Students are searching for both first and second week answer along with syllabus on internet. Whimsically, they tend to forget that is their physics original text that is main thing for making the answer. This post will help your to get your Class 11 physics assignment 2025 related all pieces of information.
Check also: HSC Assignment 2025 Answer 1st Week
এইচএসসি ২য় সপ্তাহ পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান দ্বিতীয় পত্র অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর
গ্যাসের আয়তন পিস্টন নড়াচড়ার ফলে পরিবর্তন করা যায় এবং ধাতব দেয়াল থাকায় বাহিরের সাথে তাপ আদানপ্রদান করে গ্যাসের তাপমাত্রাও পরিবর্তন করা যায়।
এখানে একটি গ্যাসের চক্রাকার পরিবর্তনের ক্ষেত্রে চাপ বনাম আয়তন লেখচিত্র দেখানাে হলাে এবং তিনটি অবস্থানের জন্য সংশ্লিষ্ট তাপমাত্রা চিত্রে উল্লেখ করা হলাে।
Along with physics assignment syllabus, question, and answer, we have given the solution for HSC all subject such as Bangla, English, chemistry, ICT, and biology. We hope that you will find this Class 11 assignment very hand to you. To note that you have been asked by the education ministry to write down the assignment on your own. Any kind of copying or buying assignment from somebody or some place is totally prohibited.
HSC Physics 1st paper Assignment 1st Week
At first, you need to know what is in the syllabus of the Class 11 Assignment 1st Week Physics. Without knowing what the assigned task is in the Class 11 syllabus, you will be able to write your assignment. Consequently, you have to first collect the 1st Week assignment for your particular subject. To our students and guardians, we would like to urge to download Class 11 assignment 2025 for physics subject in this 6 week now. It is the direct link from where you can get your each class download of any lesson.
As the above link includes all subject assignment syllabus for Class 11 8 7 and 6 students, we have uploaded here below a PDF file where you will find the Physics assignment syllabus for only Class 11 physics subject. We thought that if we make the syllabus into parts and upload them subject wise, it will be more fruitful for our students. So, you can now click the below PDF link to go for your physics assignment syllabus of class HSC.
HSC Physics Assignment Answer
The assignment syllabus for the physics of Class 11 student is assigned in the 1st Week task of the high school level in 2025. There is only one creative question given for the students from physics (podarthobidda) subject of Inter 1st year. You have to bread for Class 11 assignment 1st Week physics answer from the NCTB text book.
তুমি 20 ms-1 বেগে একদম খাড়াভাবে একটি 400 gm ভরের ক্রিকেট বল উপরের দিকে ছুড়ে মারলে।
(ক) বলটির বেগ নাম সময়ের গ্রাফ আঁকো।
(খ) গতিপথে সর্বোচ্চ বিন্দুতে বলটির বেগ কত।
(গ) ঐ বিন্দুতে ত্বরণ কত?
(ঘ) ঐখানে ক্রিকেট বলটির উপর ক্রিয়ারত মােট বল কত?
(ঙ) Fig-1 এ 1.5 kg ভরটি একটি টেবিলের উপর স্থির অবস্থানে আছে। 2 kg ভরের আরেকটি ভর একটি অসম্প্রসারণশীল সূতা দিয়ে ঝােলানাে হলাে। টেবিল ও 1.5 kg ভরের মাঝে ঘর্ষণ গুণাঙ্ক 0.2
(১) ভরদ্বয়ের ত্বরণ কত? সুতাটি অসম্প্রসারণশীল না হলে তােমার উত্তরের কী পরিবর্তন হতাে? (২) সূতার টান কত? (৩) 2 kg ভরের সরণ বনাম সময় গ্রাফ আঁকো?
Physics 1st Paper Assignment Answer (1st Week) PDF
Here is the all question of your answer for the Class 11 physics assignment question in 2025. In the below PDF file, we have uploaded the answer of the following question with the possible solve in physics subject. However, the answer can vary from person to person as it is the students who have to write down it. Therefore, search the related topic in our physics main text book and try to write down the answer. If you fail to find out the answer, then you can contact with us without hesitation.
Class 11 1st Week Physics Assignment Solution
Read more: Inter 1st Year Civics Assignment Answer
Class 11 physics assignment answer for the 1st Week is available on our website along with answer. You can easily get the full answer for your class HSC physics (podartho bidda) question solution. In order to get you physics course answer of the sixth week you are now welcome here with full details. Check the below question with subtitle information for yourself as a student’s of Inter 1st year.