Every year, the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) releases new NCTB books of Class 9 in PDF files. Class 9 and 10 are the most critical years of a student’s life in Bangladesh. They take the SSC Exam after two years of preparation. It is the most crucial test. If you’re searching for NCTB Books for Classes 9, you will be able to find them here. Below you can find all of the NCTB books of class 9 in PDF format along with the download link.
Class 9 NCTB Book 2024 PDF
Bangladesh day by day developing and going to fulfill digital Bangladesh vision. Bangladesh also improving in Education section. The authority provides class 1 to class 10 free books in school and college. Bangladesh NCTB board also provide all book PDF version for free.
Recommend for you
These pdf books has been published by NCTB. NCTB stands for National Curriculum and Textbook Board. This Textbook Board shares school and college books in PDF format so that we can read the books on our smartphone or Laptop/Desktop.
Bangla Books for Class 9
Please follow the link provided here to download all the Bangla NCTB books of Class 9.
- Bangla (বাংলা ), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
English Books for Class 9:
Please follow the link here Bangla Version and English version to download all the English NCTB books of Class 9.
- English for Toady, follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- English Grammar and Composition, follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
General Mathematics Book for Class 9
Please follow the link here to download the General Mathematics (গণিত) NCTB book of Class 9. You will find both Bangla Version as well as the English version on our website. Press on the link mentioned here.
Math Bangla Version and English version
Digital Technology Book for Class 9
On our website, you can find the Digital Technology (ডিজিটাল প্রযুক্তি) books in both Bangla and English versions. The download link is available. Please click on the link mentioned here.
Digital Technology Bangla Version and English version
Religious Studies Book for Class 9
On our website, you can find all of the Religious Studies books in both Bangla and English versions. All the download links are available. Please click on the link mentioned here.
- Islam and Moral Education (ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Hindu and Moral Education (হিন্দু ধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Buddhist and Moral Education (বৌদ্ধধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Christian and Moral Education (খ্রিষ্টধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
Science Book for Class 9
To download the NCTB Science book of Class 9, download links are available here. On our website, you can find both the Bangla and the English versions. Please click on the mentioned link here.
- Science investigative study (বিজ্ঞান অনুসন্ধানী পাঠ), click here Bangla versions and English versions
- Science Exercise Book (বিজ্ঞান অনুশীলন বই), click here Bangla versions and English versions
History and Social Science Book for Class 9
To download the NCTB History and Social Science book for Class 9 Check bellow. On our website, you can find both the Bangla and the English versions. Please click on the mentioned link here.
For History and Social Science Book (ইতিহাস ও সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান), click here Bangla versions and English versions
NCTB Health protection Books for class 9
To download the NCTB Health protection book for Class 9, Check bellow. On our website, you can find both the Bangla and the English versions. Please click on the mentioned link here.
Health protection (স্বাস্থ্য সুরক্ষা), click here Bangla versions and English versions
Art and Culture Books for Class 9
“Art and Culture” for Class 9 is an enriching book that delves into the vibrant tapestry of human creativity. This captivating resource introduces students to the diverse realms of visual arts, literature, music, and performing arts, fostering an appreciation for cultural heritage.
Through insightful narratives and interactive activities, the book encourages critical thinking and a deeper understanding of artistic expressions across civilizations. “Art and Culture” serves as a gateway to inspire creativity, broaden perspectives, and nurture a lifelong love for the arts among ninth-grade students.
- Art and Culture (শিল্প ও সংস্কৃতি), click here Bangla versions and English versions
Class 9 Jibon o Jibika Books
Jibon o Jibika (জীবন ও জীবিকা), click here Bangla versions and English versions
Class 9 Books for 2024 PDF List
Please follow the link provided here to download all the NCTB books of Class 9.
- Bengali literature (বাংলা সাহিত্য), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version
- Bangla Sohopath (বাংলা সহপাঠ), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Grammar of Bengali language (বাংলা ভাষার ব্যাকরণ), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Rochona Shomvar (রচনাসম্ভার),2021 follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- English for Toady, follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- English Grammar and Composition, follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
Math Bangla Version and English version
ICT Bangla Version and English version
- Islam and Moral Education (ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Hindu and Moral Education (হিন্দু ধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Buddhist and Moral Education (বৌদ্ধধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Christian and Moral Education (খ্রিষ্টধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Physics (পদার্থবিজ্ঞান), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Chemistry (রসায়ন), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Biology (জীববিজ্ঞান), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Higher Mathematics (উচ্চতর গণিত), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Geography and environment (ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Home science (গার্হস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Politics and citizenship (পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Economics (অর্থনীতি), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Agricultural education (কৃষিশিক্ষা), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Science (বিজ্ঞান), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Accounting (হিসাববিজ্ঞান), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Finance and banking (ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Business Ventures (ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ), follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Career Education (ক্যারিয়ার এডুকেশন) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Bangladesh and Global Studies (বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিচয়) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Arts & Crafts (চারু ও কারুকলা) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- History and World Civilization of Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Physical Education, Health Sciences and Sports (শারীরিক শিক্ষা, স্বাস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান ও খেলাধুলা) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Illustrated Arabic text (সচিত্র আরবি পাঠ) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Sanskrit (সংস্কৃত) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Pali (পালি) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- Music (সংগীত) follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
Class 9 Books for 2021 PDF List
- বাংলা সাহিত্য Bangla Version and English version
- বাংলা সহপাঠ Bangla Version and English version.
- বাংলা ভাষার ব্যাকরণ Bangla Version and English version.
- রচনাসম্ভার Bangla Version and English version.
- English for Toady Bangla Version and English version.
- English Grammar and Composition Bangla Version and English version.
- Math Bangla Version and English version
- ICT Bangla Version and English version
- ইসলাম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা Bangla Version and English version.
- হিন্দু ধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা Bangla Version and English version.
- বৌদ্ধধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা follow the link here Bangla Version and English version.
- খ্রিষ্টধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা Bangla Version and English version.
- পদার্থবিজ্ঞান Bangla Version and English version
- রসায়ন Bangla Version and English version
- জীববিজ্ঞান Bangla Version and English version
- উচ্চতর গণিত Bangla Version and English version
- ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ Bangla Version and English version.
- গার্হস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান Bangla Version and English version.
- পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা Bangla Version and English version.
- অর্থনীতি Bangla Version and English version.
- কৃষিশিক্ষা Bangla Version and English version.
- বিজ্ঞান Bangla Version and English version.
- হিসাববিজ্ঞান Bangla Version and English version.
- ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং Bangla Version and English version.
- ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ Bangla Version and English version.
- ক্যারিয়ার এডুকেশন Bangla Version and English version.
- বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিচয় Bangla Version and English version.
- চারু ও কারুকলা Bangla Version and English version.
- বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা Bangla Version and English version.
- শারীরিক শিক্ষা, স্বাস্থ্য বিজ্ঞান ও খেলাধুলা Bangla Version and English version.
- সচিত্র আরবি পাঠ Bangla Version and English version.
- সংস্কৃত Bangla Version and English version.
- পালি Bangla Version and English version.
- সংগীত Bangla Version and English version.
We hope that after reading this article you are able to download all of your NCTB Books of Class 9 without any problem. With just a click on the link, you can easily download the books on your device and access them at your convenient time.