You are looking for information regarding admit DPE gov BD means you are one of the candidates who are going to sit for the primary assistant teacher exam. Recently, the authority of the department of primary education has published an announcement regarding the exam date. The authority has also provided the instructions on how to download admit card and other necessary information. In this article, we are going to discuss everything in details.
Department of Primary Education Notice about Admit DPE Gov BD
On 12 September 2025, the authority of the department of primary education announced the exam date for primary assistant teachers. According to the notice, we came to know that the authority will take the written exam for the 1st phase next week. If you want to know more about the announcement or notice, you should visit the official website
Apart from that, you will also come to know everything about the exam and admit card by visiting our website here. Some important information at a glance below:
- Admit card download link:
- Exam Date: 24th November 2025.
- Official Website:
Primary Assistant Teacher Exam Date
The exam date for the primary assistant teacher is the 24th of November 2025. That means you have very little time on your hand to get yourself prepared for the exam. We hope that you all have taken full preparation already as the circular was published a long time ago. You just now need to take the final stage of preparation in the remaining time. To attend the exam, you need to download the admit card.
সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষক নিয়োগে প্রথম ধাপের পরীক্ষা আগামী ২৪ নভেম্বর অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। এ ধাপে বরিশাল, সিলেট ও রংপুর জেলার পরীক্ষা হবে।
Admit DPE gov bd is actually the admit card download link for the primary assistant teacher exam. Since you are going to participate in the upcoming exam, you have to download the admit card before you attend the exam on the due date. In the next section of this article, we have described how you can easily download your admit card.
How to Download Admit Card From Admit DPE Gov BD?
To be honest, downloading the admit card for the primary assistant teacher examination is very easy. For Admit DPE Gov BD you need to follow the instructions below:
- First of all, you have to visit the official website link of the admit card download option-
- After clicking on the link above, you will see the “Download Admit Card” option.
- Now in the next step, you need to click on the download option.
- After that, you will be directed to a new page where you will two admit card download options.
- In this step now, you have to select Download Admit Card by user ID / Password option or Download Admit Card by SSC Roll / Board/year option.
- Now, provide all the required information in the blank boxes.
- Then, provide your user ID and password in the required fields.
- After completing all the steps mentioned above, you have to click on the submit button.
- Finally, you will get the download option now and will be able to download and save your admit card on your device.
Final Words
We hope that you have come to know everything about admit DPE Gov BD and all other related information. If you follow our provided instructions, you will be able to download your admit card without any issue. We wish you all the best regarding your primary assistant teacher exam.