Are you confused that how you will write a paragraph on a winter morning? You have witnessed winter morning but can’t organize the idea that how you will write the paragraph. Now you can relax and read the article. We have prepared the best paragraph on the topic of a winter morning. This paragraph is enough to help you to make a good result in the exam. Read the paragraph and take a great preparation to write for the exam. It’s a unique paragraph to bring good marks.
A winter morning paragraph for the SSC exam
Winter is my favorite season for me. I like the season in the morning. I like to wake up late. In the winter the sun rises late. When the sun ray falls on the dew drops, it creates a fascinating scene. I become lazy in the winter. Nature seems hazy. There is cold air everywhere. The trees and grass look fresh and new in the winter. Life seems slowly everywhere. The sun can’t be seen in the sky sometimes. People get up late in the winter. Though it’s bitter cold in the morning, it’s enjoyable. In the morning, people don’t go out of home for the excessive cold. Sometimes people go out for a walk and enjoy nature. Trees are greener in the winter. The city people go late to their office. They feel relaxed. People save themselves under the blanket. In the village, people make sweet cakes. Traditional cakes are so tasty. People love to sit beside the fire. They sit together and feel the warmth. They love to feel warm. There are several other foods people make in the winter season. People eat different tasty foods in the winter morning. The juice of date is a special food in the winter. In the villages, people burn straw and makes fire. People go to their relative’s homes with traditionally sweet foods including cakes. The morning brings joy to us in the morning. A winter morning is comfortable and people enjoy it a lot. A winter morning is enjoyable for everyone. I like the winter morning.
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A winter morning paragraph for the HSC exam
Winter comes at the end of the year. It comes often in November and December. These two months remain cold. The weather becomes extremely cold everywhere. People often sit beside the fireplace to make themselves warm. People can’t go out normally and can’t work properly. They can’t involve in outdoor activities properly. Sometimes it rains in the morning. In the morning, people eat sweet foods. Winter is the favorite season of so many people because of the sweet foods. I like to taste sweet foods in the winter. I can’t resist tasting the sweet foods. Some of the foods are my favorite. Besides I like date juice. It’s also my favorite. On a winter morning, I woke up early to see the morning nature. I went out to have a walk in the nature. When I have got out of the home, it was shivering cold. I couldn’t see anything for extreme Fogg. The foggy environment made it hard to see anything and walk for me. I have touched the leaves of the trees on which I have seen dew drops. Birds were chirping. The grass was greener. The morning scene is so beautiful and enjoyable. I sat in the nature and saw the beautiful nature with my own eyes. People were going to the office wearing coats, socks, and sweaters. They were feeling cold. It’s hard to continue in the winter without clothes made with wool. But the morning is full of life everywhere. I have enjoyed sitting by the fireplace. The sky was like so cloudy. I couldn’t see the sun even. I love winter more than the summer. I like nature and the change it brings to nature in this season. It’s one of my favorite seasons.
Paragraph on A Winter Morning
Recently you came to know about a winter morning and its delicious pithas. Now write a paragraph on about A winter morning for all classes by answering the following questions.
- What is a winter morning?
- How does it look?
- What is the specialty of a winter morning?
- What is the special food of winter morning?
- Opportunities of Winter morning?
- Disadvantages of winter morning?
A Winter Morning Paragraph
Winter is the coldest season of the year. A morning in winter is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Things even at a little distance can hardly be seen. Everything looks hazy.
This causes disruption to the communication system. Dew drops fall at night. Sometimes cold waves blow. It causes much sufferings to the children and old people. They suffer from cold and other diseases. Village people gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves.
The old and children bask in the sun. Usually people get up late. In a winter morning people in Bangladesh enjoy different kinds of ‘pithas’. Delicious sweetmeats are also prepared with date juice. But a winter morning is a curse for the poor. They suffer much for want of warm clothes.
They are seen shivering in cold. Sometimes the news of death from bitter cold is seen in the newspaper. But the rich enjoy a winter morning to a great extent. They have a variety of warm clothes. Besides, they enjoy delicious foods in a winter morning.
However, the scene of a winter morning disappears as the day advances. A winter morning is pleasant for someone and unpleasant for the others.
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A Winter Morning Paragraph for Class 8
Winter is the coldest season of the year. A morning in winter is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Things even at a little distance can hardly be seen. Everything looks hazy. Sometimes cold waves blow. It causes much sufferings to the children and old people. They suffer from cold and other diseases. Village people gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. Usually people get up late. In a winter morning people in Bangladesh enjoy different kinds of ‘pithas’. Delicious sweetmeats are also prepared with date juice. But a winter morning is a curse for the poor. They suffer much for want of warm clothes.
They are seen shivering in cold. Sometimes the news of death from bitter cold is seen in the newspaper. But the rich enjoy a winter morning to a great extent. They have a variety of warm clothes. Besides, they enjoy delicious foods in a winter morning. However, the scene of a winter morning disappears as the day advances. A winter morning is pleasant for someone and unpleasant for the others.
A Winter Morning Paragraph for class 7
Winter is the coldest season of the year. A morning in winter is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Things even at a little distance can hardly be seen. Everything looks hazy. This causes disruption to the communication system. Dew drops fall at night. Sometimes cold waves blow. It causes much sufferings to the children and old people. They suffer from cold and other diseases. Village people gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. Usually people get up late. In a winter morning people in Bangladesh enjoy different kinds of ‘pithas’. Delicious sweetmeats are also prepared with date juice. But a winter morning is a curse for the poor. They suffer much for want of warm clothes.
They are seen shivering in cold. Sometimes the news of death from bitter cold is seen in the newspaper. But the rich enjoy a winter morning to a great extent. They have a variety of warm clothes. Besides, they enjoy delicious foods in a winter morning. However, the scene of a winter morning disappears as the day advances. A winter morning is pleasant for someone and unpleasant for the others.
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A Winter Morning Paragraph in 150 Words
Winter is one of the six seasons in Bangladesh. It seems before us to get a period. Nature changes because of its arrival. It is the coldest season in the country and comes after autumn. Winter is misty and foggy. There’s dense fog anywhere. Sometimes, the sun’s rays may be viewed due to heavy moisture as the sun’s rays cannot pass. The leaves of both grass and trees are coated with dew. They seem like glittering pearls as soon as it falls on them. People today get up late from bed. Various types of sweetmeats and “Pithas” are prepared with date juice this year. It is a curse for bad men and women. They don’t have warm clothes. Consequently, they suffer from coldness. Poor children collect straws and make a fire to warm up. Nevertheless, a Winter Morning is your change of season. Birds sing a melodious tune. The winter is pleasurable in any respect.
A Winter Morning Paragraph for Class 4
A winter morning is a cold and full of a foggy morning in the winter season. Winter morning is basically very cold. The village life in winter morning is really interesting. In this season, dewdrops whole night and morning. Sometimes, you won’t be able to see the sun for a long time. Farmers used to go to the field early in the morning with their plows and cows.
Winter morning is really hard for people who need to work. Old peoples and kids gathered straw and make a fire to make themselves warm. Basking in the sun is another way to warm the body. The food is awesome at this time. In every house, they make several types of pithas, muri, Khai, and chira.
I love drinking date-juice in the winter morning. Date juice in a really interesting drink in this season. Rich people enjoy their morning with good food and better clothing. But the poor people and especially the homeless people suffer most at that time.
A Winter Morning Paragraph in 250 Words
A winter morning is usually very cold and foggy, especially in rural Bangladesh. Winter mornings in urban areas are hard to feel. Especially in Dhaka city, it is not so cold nowadays. You must go to the village to get the impression of a winter morning. Everything in the village is obscure and foggy until the sun becomes hot. Dewdrops accumulate on the grass, which glistens like pearls in the sunlight.
The children gather dry straw and light the fire, and the children and the elderly all sit around the fire and tell stories. Animals do not want to leave the house in the morning, they sit numbly in one corner of the house to escape the cold. People wake up late, especially the elderly and children do not want to leave bed in the morning because of the cold. When the fog subsides and the sun gets a little warmer, the working people go out to work. The most interesting food in the winter morning is the juice of the date palm. It tastes better in the early morning. There are several types of delicious cakes are made in the village on winter mornings. Everyone eats breakfast with a variety of delicious cakes. Many expatriate Bengalis prefer to spend the winter in Bangladesh. Winter in Bangladesh is very pleasant for them because it is very cold in any European country. A winter morning in Bangladesh is quite interesting for them. Personally, I also like a winter morning very much because of date juice and a variety of delicious cakes.
A Winter Morning Paragraph With Bangla Meaning
একটি শীতের সকাল সাধারণত অত্যন্ত ঠাণ্ডা এবং কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন হয়ে থাকে, বিশেষ করে বাংলাদেশের গ্রামাঞ্চলে। শহর এলাকাতে শীতের সকালটা তেমন একটা অনুভব করা যায় না। বিশেষ করে ঢাকাতে বর্তমানে তেমন একটা শীত পড়ে না। শীতের সকালের আমেজ পেতে হলে আপনাকে অবশ্যই গ্রামে যেতে হবে। সূর্য উঠার আগ পর্যন্ত গ্রামে সবকিছু অস্পষ্ট ও কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন হয়ে থাকে। ঘাসের উপর শিশির বিন্দু জমে থাকে, যা সূর্যের আলোতে মুক্তার মত চিকচিক করে। বাচ্চারা শুকনো খড়-পাতা জড়ো করে আগুন জ্বালায়, বাচ্চা-বৃদ্ধ সবাই আগুনকে ঘিরে বসে গল্প করে। গৃহপালিত পশু সকালে ঘর থেকে বের হতে চায় না, তারা ঠাণ্ডা থেকে বাঁচার জন্য ঘরের এক কোনায় জড়সড় হয়ে বসে থাকে। লোকজন দেরি করে ঘুম থেকে উঠে, বিশেষ করে বৃদ্ধ এবং শিশুরা শীতের কারনে সকালে বিছানা ছাড়তে চায় না। কুয়াশা কমে গেলে এবং সূর্য যখন একটু গরম উঠে তখন শ্রমজীবী লোকেরা কাজের জন্য বের হয়। শীতের সকালের সবচেয়ে মজার খাবার হচ্চে খেজুর গাছের রস। এটা যত ভোরে খাওয়া যায় তত বেশী ভাল লাগে। গ্রামে শীতের সকালে অনেক ধরনের মজাদার পিঠা তৈরি করা হয়ে থাকে। সবাই বিভিন্ন রকম সুস্বাদু পিঠা দিয়ে নাস্তা করে। অনেক প্রবাসী বাঙ্গালী শীতকালটা বাংলাদেশে কাটাতে পছন্দ করে। তাদের কাছে বাংলাদেশের শীতকাল খুবই আনন্দদায়ক কারন যেকোনও ইউরোপীয় দেশে শীতকালে প্রচণ্ড ঠাণ্ডা পড়ে। বাংলাদেশের একটি শীতের সকাল তাদের জন্য বেশ আকর্ষণীয়। শীতের সকাল আমার খুবই পছন্দের সময় বিশেষ করে খেজুরের রস ও বিভিন্ন রকমের সুস্বাদু পিঠার জন্য।
Hope that you have read the full paragraph. This paragraph will bring the highest marks for you if you can write properly in the exam. It’s a well-organized paragraph. You can write this paragraph in any of the exams in your educational life. Memorize the paragraph so that you don’t get confused in the exam. Write the paragraph properly in the exam.