SSC History Assignment

SSC History and World Civilization assignment Solution 2024. SSC History assignment answer 2024 is available on our website. If you are looking for SSC assignment solution then you have come to the right place. SSC Bangladesh History answer will be shared on this page.

There are many students who are looking for questions and answers in the SSC History and World Civilization Assignment. We have made this post for their purpose. Because in this post you can download the history and world civilization assignment answers in the form of pictures and PDF files. As a result, it will be much easier for you to create history and world assignments.

SSC 2024 Assignment

SSC History and World Civilization Assignment 2021

History and World Civilization is an optional subject in the humanities group of SSC. It is important for every citizen of an independent country to know the history of his/her own country. Socio-economic, political, geographical, and cultural evolution has been continuously reflected in history.

SSC History 4th Week Assignment

Therefore, through the study of History and World Civilization, a student is able to gain knowledge about the history, ethnicity, culture, heritage, and world civilization of his own country. But many of us students have no idea about these things. Because they don’t read books regularly, that’s why they don’t have much idea about it.

অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ গ্রিকসভ্যতা ও রোমান সভ্যতার তুলনামূলক চিত্র উপস্থাপনপূর্বক বিশ্বসভ্যতার অগ্রগতিতে উভয় সভ্যতার অবদান মূল্যায়ন

নির্দেশনা (সংকেত/পরিধি/ধাপ) :

  • গ্রীক সভ্যতা ও রোমান সভ্যতার পটভূমি ব্যাখ্যা;
  • ভৌগলিক অবস্থান ও সময়কালের সাদৃশ্য-বৈসাদৃশ্য ছকে উপস্থাপন;
  • শিক্ষা, সাহিত্য ও দর্শনের গ্রিক ও রোমান সভ্যতার তুলনামূলক বৈশিষ্ট্য উপস্থাপন;
  • স্থাপত্য, ভাস্কর্য ও বিজ্ঞানে সভ্যতা দুটোর অগ্রগতির চিত্র উপস্থাপন।

SSC History 4th Week Assignment Answer

SSC History 4th Week Assignment Answer PDF

প্রথম অধ্যায়: ইতিহাস পরিচিতি

অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ “মানব জীবনে ইতিহাস” শীর্ষক প্রবন্ধ (৩০০ শব্দের মধ্যে)

শিখনফল/ বিষয়বস্তুঃ

ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যের ধারণা, স্বরূপ ও পরিসর ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারবে; ইতিহাসের উপাদান ও প্রকারভেদ বর্ণনা করতে পারবে; ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যের প্রতি আগ্রহী হবে;

SSC Assignment Answer History 2021

However, when the assignment of History and World Civilization subject will be published, you will get the assignment solution through this post.

We have published the answers to the SSC History and World Civilization Assignment here. As per the notification of the Department of Secondary and Secondary on 12 November 2021, the students of SSC have to complete the history and world civilization assignment. You can download the questions and answers of your assigned assignment from here.

SSC History Assignment Answer 1 pdf

If you want to know all the details about SSC History and World Civilization Assignment, read this post from beginning to end. Because in this post we have discussed in detail all the information related to Bangladesh and World Civilization Assignment. So if you read our post, you can find all the information about the history and world civilization from us here.

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট : সিন্ধু সভ্যতার আর্থ-সামাজিক অবস্থার বিশ্লেষণপূর্বক এ সভ্যতার নগর পরিকল্পনার সাথে তোমার নিজ এলাকার নগর পরিকল্পনার তুলনামূলক চিত্র উপস্থাপন

History SSC Assignment Answer

Are you looking for answers to the History SSC Assignment answer? Then you are in the right place because we have published here the questions and answers of the SSC History and World Civilization Assignment in the form of pictures and PDF format. As a result, you can easily download the answer to your desired assignment from here.

SSC History Assignment Answer 2 pdf

Since not all educational institutions in the country are able to take annual exams this year, recently due to coronavirus. So the Ministry of Education has instructed every student to prepare an assignment. Because based on this assignment each student will pass to their next class. So this assignment is very important for every student.

SSC  History Assignment 2024 Solution

The answers to our SSC History and World Civilization assignments are published here in a 100 % accurate form. Because of your history and world civilization, assignment questions are answered by our experienced teachers. So you can download your assignment answer from here, you can complete your assignment now.

The answer to the History and World Civilization Assignment is given to us in this post. So you can collect the answer to your assignment from our website in the form of pictures and PDF without going to any other website. Because we have published the answer to the 100% sure assignment here.

I hope you are enjoying this article. Thanks for visiting this website.