Due to the pandemic of Corona virus all over the country, our government has taken a great initiative to keep all the secondary level students in touch with academic activities. The government has decided to take all the classes online through Sangsad TV. A total of 35 recorded class lectures will be telecasted every day. The authority is expecting more than one crore students to watch lessons.
Sangsad TV Online Class Routine
The authority has provided the Amar Ghore Amar School Routine for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 3rd of December so far. The class will start at 10:00 am and end at 10:45 am. At the very beginning of your class, you will get five minutes time from 9:00 am to 9:05 am for the National Anthem and Corona awareness session. After that, you can watch the highlights of the classes. All the classes will be re-telecasted from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. So you are getting the chance to watch the classes two times a day. For this reason, you will be able to memorize and finish your lessons perfectly.
Online Class Routine BTV
You will get your next routine on 1st April. We have provided the date-wise Sangsad TV Live Class Routine in the JPEG format so that you can download your routine easily and use it whenever you need it. We would like to request you to download the routine and save it on your mobile phone or computer.
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF (02.01.2021)
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF (29.11.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF (12.07.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF (05.07.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF (09.05.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF (03.05.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Revised Routine PDF (26.04.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF (19.04.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Revised Routine PDF (12.04.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class New Routine PDF (10.04.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class New Routine PDF (02.04.2022)
Sangsad TV Live Class Routine PDF
BTV TV Class Routine 2024
The director of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) named Professor Md Shahedul Khabir Chowdhury, director (college, administration) has told that they have already completed the recording of all the class lessons. According to his speech, “We are going to telecast classes from Tuesday on Sangsad BTV, and this will continue till Thursday. This week, it is not mandatory for students to be present for televised classes,”
Read more: Coronavirus Paragraph Writing
Sangsad TV Live Class
If we come to this point, we see that there are some problems associated with the live class lessons. One of the greatest problems is that many students do not have a TV in their home. So they are more likely to miss the live class lessons. But the concerned bodies have said that their field officials will provide TVs to students who do not have one in their house. The authority has also said that attending online classes for this week is not mandatory. But we hope that from the next week, it is going to be mandatory.
TV Class Routine www.dshe.gov.bd
Still, the uncertainty remains because providing TVs to students is not that easy in this short period of time. However, who have TVs in their home must try to watch every lesson to do well in the study and exam. The authority has also urged the parents that every parent will be serious about the class lessons and make sure that their children attend the lessons regularly and attentively.
Final Verdict
Hopefully, you have got your class routine from this writing of Sangsad TV Live Class Routine. So it’s your time to enjoy all the class lessons on the TV screen.