Noorani Board Result

As well as the general education system, the Noorani education system is also gaining much popularity day by day in our country. So, many of you are looking for the Noorani board result. In the Noorani education system, students basically learn about Quran. But now they have added Bengali, Mathematics, English subjects to that and made a combination to provide students modern teaching.

Currently, the children study 3-year Noorani education and after completing that they can take admission in class 4 or hifz in any of the education systems of school or madrasah. 

SSC Result 2024

Noorani board result publish date

Noorani education system is one of the most popular education systems among many people in our country. Noorani board result will be publish on 10 December 2024. The Noorani board of Bangladesh publishes results every year for Noorani students. Bangladesh Noorani board is situated in Adabor, Mohammadpur, Dhaka.

There is also another section of the Noorani education board in Chittagong. Noorani education board publishes results for the final exam of class 3 and muallim Arabic exam. The board has not published the result yet. It is expected that the result will be published soon.

নুরানী বোর্ডের ২০২৩-এর ফল প্রকাশ

সমাপনী পরীক্ষার ফলাফল প্রকাশ করা হবে ১০ই ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩ রবিবার, দুপুর ১২ঘটিকায় ইনশাআল্লাহ

ফলাফল প্রকাশ উপলক্ষে জাতীয় প্রেস ক্লাবে এক সংবাদ সম্মেলনের আয়োজন করেছে বোর্ডটি।

বোর্ডের পরিচালক মাওলানা ইসমাইল বেলায়েত হুসাইন জানান, এ বছর সারাদেশে প্রায় ৪১৬টি কেন্দ্রে মোট ২৬ হাজার ২৭৩ জন ছাত্র-ছাত্রী সমাপনী পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণ করেছে। আরবি-তরিকে তালিমের পাশাপাশি বাংলা, ইংরেজি, গনিতসহ মোট ৬টি বিষয়ে পরীক্ষা দিয়েছে তারা।


ফলাফল প্রকাশ অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথি হিসেবে থাকবেন আল্লামা ক্বারী বেলায়েত হুসাইন রহ এর সাহেবজাদা, বোর্ডের মহাপরিচালক মদীনা প্রবাসী মাওলানা মাসিহুল্লাহ মাদানী। সভাপতিত্ব করবেন বোর্ডের পরিচালক মাওলানা কালিমুল্লাহ জামিল হুসাইন। এছাড়া নূরানীর প্রশিক্ষক, প্রবীণ জিম্মাদার, মুয়াল্লিম, ও বিভিন্ন স্তরের দায়িত্বশীলগণ উপস্থিত থাকবেন।

 Noorani Board Result PDF

You will get the result of your class 3 final exam and muallim Arabic exam on the official website of the Noorani education board. For your convenience here is the official website address of Noorani education board- And you will get your result of class 3 and muallim Arabic exam from this link here-  Along with individual result, you will get the result in the PDF format also. To get Noorani board result PDF, you have to click here.

How to get Noorani board result 2024

To get the Noorani board result, you have to visit the official website first. The result publishing link of the official website site is available in our website here. We also publish the Noorani board result. If you cannot see your result from the official website, you can check it out here also. After you enter the link, you will be able to see your result or you can download the PDF format of the result. So to get the result easily, follow the instructions below:

দ্রুত রেজাল্ট পেতে আমাদের গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন

গ্রুপ লিঙ্কঃ

  • At first, visit the link here-
  • After entering the link, you will see a separate result section in the menu option.
  • Now select the result type (class 3 or Muallim Arabic) from the drop-down menu.
  • Then click on the specific result type and download the PDF of your result.

Noorani Talimul Quran Board Result 2024 Chittagong

There is another section of the Noorani board in Chittagong. So students of Chittagong sit for exams under this board and also get their result from this board. So if you want to get your result, you can also visit the official website and follow the instructions we provided above. The official website of Noorani board Chittagong is-

Noorani Board Result 2024 class 3

Noorani board result 2024 for class 3 has not published yet. The result is being prepared and expected to be published soon. As soon as the result gets published, we will update that here. To get Noorani board result 2024 class 3, just click the link here.

Noorani Talimul Quran Board Bangladesh Result

Noorani Talimul Quran board Bangladesh is the same as the Noorani board Bangladesh. So the result is also same. To get Noorani Talimul Quran board Bangladesh result, you need to click here.

Nurani Talimul Quran Board is the official website for collecting the Noorani Board CTG Result 2024. However, this site, as you can see, has gone down due to over pressure on the site. When this site will be normal which can take several hours possibly. Moreover, the students of the noorani board can choose our website which also publishes all kinds of official exam result from here.

Hopefully, you have got to know everything about the Noorani board result. We wish you can make a good result.

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