Today you want to know about Ld tax gov bd. How do you know about this! If you are interested to know about this topic, then you have come to the right place today.

We are with you till the end of this journey, so you don’t need any more tension to know about this. You can know the details through this article.

The way we have organized this article for you, the information that you can learn from this article is:

  1. How do you register as a user here?
  2. Also you can know how to login here as a user.
  3. From here you can also know how to avail civic services.

Today you are easily able to know about the proceedings of Ld tax gov bd through our writing. How you as a user will perform the activities here in. Or how to register or login here, we are confident that you will learn through this article today.

Although there are many websites published on this topic in the market today, we would say that ours is different from the others and we feel that this website is able to meet all your required topics.

Land development tax

idtax gov bd Citizen Register

Here’s how you “register” as a user:

The first thing you need to do as a user is to register here. First of all check if your device has an internet connection.

  • Now open any internet browser on your device. After that enter the link https://ldtax.gov.bd/citizen/register# in the window there. Now click on the search button.
  • Now you will see the page that opens in front of you in the first cell you enter your correct mobile number of 11 digits.
  • Then you add (4+4)* in the empty cell just below the mobile number. Note that this number will be different each time i.e. it will never be the same.
  • After that you click “Verify OTP if registration is not complete”. Now click on “Next step” to the right of it and complete the process.

www ldtax gov bd login page

You can also learn how to “login” as a user here:

The first thing you need to do as a user is to login here. First check if the device you are using has internet connection.

  • Then you open any internet browser on your device. Now enter the link given here https://ldtax.gov.bd/citizen/register# inside the window there. Then you click on the search button.
  • You enter your correct 11 digit mobile number inside the first cell of the page you will see open in front of you.
  • Then in the second cell you enter “Password”. Note that this password must be at least 8 characters long.
  • After that add in the following cell (5+3)* Add it to the empty cell. Note that this number will be different each time i.e. it will never be the same.
  • Now click on the login button and login to your location.

Ld Tax GOV BD Recover Forgotten Password:

You can click “Forgot your password? if you have forgotten your password for any reason.” Click on it or click on this link https://ldtax.gov.bd/citizen/forget.

Type the mobile number and click on the next step.

You can also find out how to avail civic services from here:

As a citizen if you want to get all the services then you have to visit the service corner through this link https://land.gov.bd/english-new-nagorik/ And here you will be able to know all about “Smart Bhoomiseba” of Ministry of Lands.

What is the Penalty for Not Paying the Deposit on Time?

If someone does not pay the tax within the due date, then a certificate case can be filed against him. If the land development tax is in arrears for one year, the tax shall be deemed to be due after the 30th quarter of the relevant Bengali year and interest at the rate of 6.25 per cent shall be added to the principal tax owed.

Last words:

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