KUET Admission Test Result 2024-2025 admission.kuet.ac.bd. KUET Admission Result 2024-2025 is not declared yet. KUET Admission Test 2024-2025 will be seized on 18th October (Friday) at 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Admission regarding all information will be found in this website at www.admission.kuet.ac.bd & our website at AllResultBD.com too. For admission test related necessity, applicants can send e-mail in this address at admission@kuet.ac.bd.
KUET Admission Test Result 2024-2025
KUET Admission Test Result 2024-2025. On 18th October (Friday) at 09:30 am to 12:00 pm KUET Admission Test for the academic session 2023-2024 of B.Sc. Engineering & BURP Course 1st Year will hold.
This year total 10 Thousands & 209 Hundreds applicants were applied against 875 seats. 11 applicants will be competed each other for 1 seat. Actually entire 10 Thousands & 224 Hundreds applicants were applied. But 15 applicants were disqualified.
Important Dates:
- Online Application Date Begin: 4th September at 10:00 am
- Online Application Ended Date: 17th September at 11:59 pm
- Application Charge Payment Last Date: 18th September at 05:00 pm
- A, T or P Symbol Application Submission Closing Date: 18th September at 05:00 pm
- Qualified Applicants List Declared: 03th October (Friday)
- Admission Test Seized: 18th October (Friday) at 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
- Selected Applicants List for Admit Declared Date: 6th November (Monday)
- Starting Date of Selected & Waiting List Applicants Department Selection: 8th November (Tuesday) at 10:00 am
KUET Eligible Candidates List
Candidates who applied within the time the authority check out their application. They make the decision of eligible candidates based on the grade point of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English. The minimum requirement for these 4 subjects is GPA 18.00. if the number of participatory candidates is very high then the authority will select the first 13000 candidates. If the 13000 number candidate is multiple then the authority will give priority on the grade point of these 4 subjects individually.
List of Eligible Candidates for Admission Test 2021
List of Eligible Candidates for Admission Test 2024
KUET Admission Result 2025 Download
KUET Admission Subject Choice Result Will Publish 31 October 2024. Final Admission Date Will be Published later. If Any Candidates Fail to Admission, The Seat Will be Cancel. Download KUET Admission Result 2025 From below:
Ended Date of Selected & Waiting List Applicants Department Selection: 16th November (Thursday) at 04:00 pm
Announce Date of Applicants Department Selection: 30th November (Monday) at 05:00 pm
KUET Admit Card:
To sit for the admission test and information about the admission test, one has to keep the Admit Card as well as memorize the registration number and roll number of the examination. After announce qualified applicants list, from KUET website applied applicants can collect admit card. Then they ought to download & print out it. Except admit card, any applicants won’t permit to attend in KUET Admission Test 2023-2024.
KUET No. of Seats
Departments | No. of seat |
EEE (Electrical And Electronic Engineering) | 120 |
CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) | 120 |
ME (Mechanical Engineering) | 120 |
CE (Civil Engineering) | 120 |
Te (Textile Engineering) | 60 |
Le (Leather Engineering) | 60 |
URP (Urban and Regional Planning) | 60 |
IPE (Industrial and Production Engineering) | 60 |
ECE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) | 60 |
BECM (Building Engineering & Construction Management) | 60 |
BME (Biomedical Engineering) | 30 |
Reserved | 05 |
Total | 875 |
Important Notes:
Any attempt to influence any teacher, employee or other personnel of the university about the admission will be considered as disqualification for the applicant. The Admission Committee has the authority to cancel the admission of a candidate if they consider the candidate as banned for studying in the university.
Exam System and Marks Distribution:
- A written test will be held.
- Total marks are 500.
- Exam time 2 hour 30 minutes.
- 25% marks will be deducted as negative marking for each of the wrong answer.
- Admission test will be held according to the HSC syllabus of the academic year 2023-2024.
- The English portion will come from Functional English.
- 1st year BSc Engineering, BURP and BArch course exam will be held by same question paper.
- Question pattern and marks distribution are below the list:
Subject | Question no | Total marks |
Mathematics | 15 | 150 |
Physics | 15 | 150 |
Chemistry | 15 | 150 |
English | 10 | 50 |
KUET Admission Test Circular 2025
To help in filling up this Online application, please contact with the admission wing of the Registrar office (Contact: +880 41 769468 Ext. 138/797/799/780/351/158/136/139) of KUET. For any information or assistance regarding this On-Line application system, please mail to admission@kuet.ac.bd
If any 1st year student of KUET remains absent for consecutive two weeks after starting the session, according to the University Academic Ordinance his or her admission will be canceled.