JSC English Suggestion 2025 PDF 1st & 2nd Paper. We know, you are worried about your JSC Exam 2025. Because your exam is knocking in door. In this article we are providing JSC Exam English suggestion for you. You already heard that, the jsc exam will be started from 1st November 2025 and result will be publishing on 28th December. If you wait for JSC question out 2021, then it will be wrong time for you. Just continue your study with this suggestion.
JSC English Suggestion 2021
Bangladesh Education Board (www.educationboard.gov.bd) announced a press conference about Junior School Certificate exam. The exam will held on right time said Bangladesh education minister Nurul Islam Nahid. In this year total 25,00,000 boys and girls student attend on JSC Exam under the all education board Bangladesh. JSC Result 2021 will be publishing on 24th December in this year. In below i shared the common and short JSC Suggestion 2025.
You can also find the JSC Exam Routine & JSC Bangla Suggestion from here.
JSC Suggestion 2025 English 1st Paper
JSC English first Paper Suggestion 2025 All Education Board. JSC English 1s Paper Suggestion and Question Patterns 2025 has been publishing our website All Result BD. Junior School Certificate (JSC) English 1st Paper Final Suggestion 2025. Bangladesh JSC Suggestion 2025 the examination year 2025. The Bangladesh Education system is Structured of 3 (Three) Major Stages primary, Secondary & Higher Education Board. JSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2025 is most important JSC All Candidate of Education Board of Bangladesh. I Hope this English 1st Paper Suggestion will be Common for Your JSC Examination 2025.
Seen comprehensions:
- NakshiKatha is a…………….(U-1.L-2)
- Communication of ideas ………(U-9.L-3)
- The word ‘hygiene`…happy life…..(U-3.L-3)
- Shamima’s misery……………………..(U-5. L-3)
- Health is the condition ……………..(U-3 .L-1)
- River gypsies in………………………..(U-7. L-3)
- Once upon a time…………………(U-5. L-5)
- Bangladeshi cuisine …………………(U-1. L-5)
- A six year old boy…………………….(U-8. L-1)
- Zara live with………………………..(U-6. L-1)
- At the farthest corner……………..(U-5.L-3)
- The ethnic people in…………………(U-1.L-3&4)
Unseen comprehensions:
- JoynulAbedin was……1976 in Dhaka.
- The Nobel Prize is….. Inventing X-ray.
- John Donne was ….prose piece.
- Begum Rokeya was … in to a deep gripe.
- The moon is … to the spaceship.
- The great ship Titanic … been flooded.
- Mather Teresa … for humanity.
- Marconi was in … in 1937.
- Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir.
- Albert Einstein
- Ferdousi, the great poet.
- Jinananda Das was.
- Rabindranath Tagore.
- George Washington.
- Lord Byron Was
Non-Textual Paragraph
- Tree plantation ***
- A Book Fair ***
- A Street hawker/ Beggar.
- Winter morning
- A Rickshaw puller.
- A Farmer/ A Day Labourer
- A tea Stall.
- A School Magazine.
- A school Library.
- Load Shedding.
- Rainy Day
- National flag.
- Traffic Jam
- Village Fair
Completing a story
- Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose. —————-.
- Once in a very hot day a fox came to a vineyard where he saw some grapes. ——.
- There lived a wood cutter in a village. One day he —-.
- A farmer had three sons———————————-.
- A shepherd/cowboy———————————-.
- One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched ——————-
- One day a hare met a tortoise on the way. The hare laughed —————-.
- One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing —————-.
- Once upon a time, two friends were walking through a forest. They ———–.
- Sheikh Saadi ———–.
- Robert Bruce ————–.
- Unity is Strength.
- Dividing the Bread……
- A fox without tail—-
- A spider inspires a king ….
Writing Informal Letters
- Congratulating on brilliant success
- About preparation for the ensuing JSC exam.
- Describing study tour/picnic.
- Thanking for hospitality
- Thanking for sending a wonderful birthday gift.
- Inviting to attend your birthday party.
- About your train journey.
- About your aim in life
- Advising to be punctual/ serious to studies.
- About a street accident that you have witnessed.
- Describing the importance of reading newspaper.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about your preparation for the J.S.C examination.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about your future plan after the publication of your school.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about your plan to spend the summer vacation.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about mobile phone.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about load shedding water/airpollution/deforestation.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about bad sides of illiteracy and how to eradicate it.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life.
- A dialogue between doctor and patient.
- A dialogue between salesman and customer.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about importance of reading newspaper
- A dialogue between you and a bank manager to open a bank account.
- A dialogue between you and your friend on how to make a good result in the examination..
- A dialogue between you and your friend about their plans after the exam.
- A dialogue between you and your friend about the danger of smoking.
JSC Suggestion 2025 English 2nd Paper
JSC English Second Paper Short Suggestion 2021 Bangladesh All Board. JSC English 2nd paper short suggestion. English 2nd paper suggestion for jsc exam 2025 will be available in here. Suggestion & JSC Question 2025 Patterns of JSC examination. Before every examination students are looking for short suggestion for all education board a better study. This is our 1st share about JSC Suggestion 2025 for English. This is short JSC Suggestion of 2025 examination. I hope this suggestion will be 95% common in your exam InShaAllah.
English 2nd Paper Composition:
- The Season you like most.
- Tree Plantation.
- Your favorite poet .
- A Journey you have recently enjoyed.
- Your aim in life.
- The wonder of modern science.
- Physical Exercise.
- A village Market.
English 2nd Paper E-mail Suggestion:
- To friend thanking for birthday gift.
- Describing your aim in life.
- Preparation for Jsc examination.
- Thanking for hospitality.
- Congratulation on brilliant success.
- About the natural beauty of Bangladesh.
- Inviting the attend a picnic/marriage ceremony.
- Asking for some money.
- Prize giving ceremony of your school.
- Asking for returning the book.
Formal letter:
- For a transfer certificate / Seat in the school hostal / Testimonial.
- For setting up a Computer lab/Canteen/ Language Club/Literary Club/ Debating Club/ Common Room
- School Library.
- For full free studentship/help from the poor fund.
JSC Exam Suggestion 2025 for English Subject pdf
You can also get your JSC Exam Result 2025 marksheet from here. Bangladesh Education board already published the routine of JSC Exam 2025. According this routine the exam will be start from First November and English exam will be held on 3rd November and 4th November. Here is JSC Suggestion 2025 for English subject for all education board. JSC suggestion could make your exam easier. But it is difficult to find jsc short suggestion and jsc common suggestion.
Bangladesh JSC English Suggestion 2025, JSC Math Suggestion 2021, JSC Bangla 1st Paper Suggestion, JSC General Seines Suggestion 2021. JSC Final Model Test Suggestion 2021 will get from our Website.
If you have any question about JSC Suggestion 2025 – English 1st paper and English 2nd Paper suggestion then comment below or message us through our Facebook page. We will reply as soon as possible.