Do you want to know any information related to Test Price? You do not need to waste your time unnecessarily, there is no unnecessary worry! Today we are going to share you some valuable information about the IGE Test Price in Bangladesh. You will feel better with the information.
Everyone hopes and likes to stay well and healthy in this beautiful catchment. Still people get sick according to their traditional habits. After getting sick we have to resort to medical science and various tests are required for treatment. So we start with today’s topic.
Today we are going to tell you in this article what is IGE? Why is IGE tested? What is the IGE reference range? Also what can happen if IGE is low? What happens if IGE is high? How to collect IGE samples What is the price of an IGE test in Bangladesh in the current context?
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What is IGE?
IGE is short form and full form is immunoglobulin E, this test is called immunoglobulin E test. It is basically a type of protein inside the body called an antibody and it is found inside mammals. As part of the body’s immune system, IGE plays a role in allergic reactions.
The blood test often takes a few minutes or less and just involves a brief needlestick. First, a medical professional will place a tiny needle into a vein in your arm. A little blood will be drawn after insertion and collected in a test tube or vial.
An IgE blood test requires no preparation. Your healthcare professional will apply pressure to the region for a while after collecting the blood and then apply a Band-Aid. For a few days, you might have a minor bruise there.
Why is IGE tested?
Different tests have to be done for different diseases. But IGE tests should be done to see if a patient has any problem due to allergy. There are two primary test categories.
The initial IGE test measures the amount or presence of IGE antibodies in the blood. Although certain types of IGE exist, certain types of IGE remain secreted from the body as a result of a reaction to a single type of allergen.
What is the reference range for IGE levels?
An IGE reference range of 150 IU/ml to 1000 IU/ml is often expected. The ideal level of IGE is expected to be 150 IU/ml to 300 IU/ml. In many cases the standard IGE level in children may differ from the range specified here. Generally expected IGE levels in children range from 20 IU/ml to 100 IU/m. Expected and normal IGE levels range from 100 IU/ml to 200 IU/ml for children.
What can happen if IGE is low?
Working with low IGE can make the patient suffer from many types of complex and sensitive diseases. Diseases like otitis media, sinusitis, autoimmune and asthma. Also if someone is working with low IGE then that person suffers from chronic fatigue with polyarthralgia4. It can be treated by oral medication.
What happens if IGE is high?
If someone works with more IGE, his body may be more allergenic and may have an adverse allergic reaction to many substances.
Also, if someone has more IGE in their body, it means that their body is releasing more immunoglobulin than needed. If for some reason the patient is taking medication for other diseases or is fighting with another disease then the amount of IGE in his body may be high.
How to collect IGE samples?
The task of collecting samples for this test is quite simple. A medical assistant collects blood as a sample. Then it is sent to the lab for testing. In the age of the internet, patients can collect test results over the net if they wish.
What is the price of the IGE test in Bangladesh in the current context?
Although the value of IGE testing can often be determined by location. Still roughly the price of the IGE test is around 800 rupees. Sometimes the range can vary from 500 rupees to 1000 rupees. Sometimes government hospitals can allow you to get tested at a lower cost.
This article helps you to know the information about IGE Test Price in Bangladesh. It is our hope that the information will help you on your way in life.
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