BEZA Exam Result

Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority or BEZA result 2024 has been published recently. Generally, the BEZA job is a very attractive job and it provides sufficient benefits to its employees. So a lot of candidates are very eager to get a job in BEZA. Many students participated in the recruitment exam and appeared on the battlefield. In this article, we are going to explain all the details of your BEZA result.

BEZA Result Published Date

BEZA Result has been published on 20th October 2024. The recruitment exam of the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority held on 25th September 2024. It is a good thing that you are getting the final result just after attending the exam. The job circular was for the assistant manager. Since the post is manager level post, getting the chance to this job will be a great thing for you. This job is such a job that you make your social status high. You will also be happy in your personal life if you are selected for the job post.

BEZA Result 2024

Just like many other government exam results, BEZA result checking is very easy. You can get your result from the official site of BEZA. We also publish the result on our website as well just after it is published on the government site. So if you want to check your result, you can visit any of the sites. The address of the official website of BEZA is To get your result easily and quickly, you need to follow the below instructions:

  • First of all, you have to visit the official website result page- result.
  • After visiting there, you will get the link to see your result.
  • Now, you need to click on the link.
  • After clicking on the link, you will finally get your result in the PDF format within a few moments.

Written result & Notice for viva for the position of Assistant Manager of BEZA.

Result of MCQ Examination for the post of Assistant Manager pdf

Important Information BEZA Exam Result

We have provided this section for you so that you can have your required information at a glance with less effort. We always think to bring something that offers more benefits to you. Not only for this job result update, but you will also get updates of the all important job circulars, exam dates, and exam results on our website here. Because of this, you can bookmark our website and get all the updates easily. So below is your helpful points regarding the BEZA result:

  • Announcement of Exam Date: 15th September 2024.
  • Recruitment Exam Date: 25th September 2024.
  • Result Publish Date: 26th September 2024.
  • Post Name: Assistant Manager.
  • Number of Vacancies: 09

Check also: Controller General of Accounts Result

We are confident that you can check your BEZA result easily without any hassle because we have explained everything in an easier way. No matter how well you make the result, we always wish the best for you. We hope that you will be able to make a good result and grab a position in the BEZA job and make your career better.


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