Health Benefits of Onions

10 Impressive Health Benefits of Onions You Must Know

Health Benefits of Onions: Onion is a versatile vegetable. It contains various vitamins and minerals. As a result, onion can easily relieve people from many diseases. Raw onions are used in almost all dishes. It has many qualities. You will be surprised to hear that raw onion is very beneficial for the body.

Many of us love eating raw onions. They eat rice from mudri, along with a raw onion. Experts say that even if they eat the food for the sake of taste, they are benefiting the body unknowingly. Because by eating onion you can stay away from many diseases.

See also: Health Benefits of Lemon Water

10 Health Benefits of Onions

Not only raw onions, but cooked onions will also get equal benefits. In that case, just be a little aware and add less oil and spices in that cooking. Only then will you get the benefit of various useful ingredients present in onion. And you can stay healthy.

1. Keeps the heart healthy

Various studies have shown that onions contain certain substances that can lower cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart disease. In fact, onions contain an ingredient called quercetin. This ingredient removes inflammation. As a result, heart disease stays away.

2. Able to prevent cancer

Eating onions regularly can prevent cancer easily. Especially, stomach, colon cancer is protected.

3. Acts as a cold medicine

If you are suffering from cold and cough, onion will act as a medicine for you. Eating it will warm your body and also protect you from cold infections. If someone in your household has arthritis or joint pain, massaging it with onion juice can provide relief. Onion juice mixed with mustard oil gives relief.

4. Control of blood sugar levels

Chromium and sulfur present in white onions help control blood sugar. Regular and moderate consumption of white onion protects against diabetes. Apart from this, white onion contains anti-cancer properties.

5. Hair health

White onion juice helps prevent hair loss. It restores lost luster to hair and prevents dandruff. Besides, white onion protects against premature graying of hair. White onion also has several other properties.

6. Cures the infection

Onion contains carminative, antimicrobial, antiseptic and antibiotic properties. So if there is an infection anywhere in the body, you can eat raw onion, it will get good benefits. Besides, if honey is mixed with onion juice, there is no problem of cold and cough. Works great for sore throats, colds, fevers, allergies or minor aches from colds.

7. Blood pressure and movement control

Regular consumption of onions improves blood circulation. Onion juice contains a flavonoid antioxidant called quercetin, which lowers high blood pressure and helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

8. Makes sleep better

Eating onions helps fight depression and improves sleep. Apart from this, the presence of folate helps to cure stomach ailments and increase appetite.

9. Increases sexual power

Onion helps to increase sexual potency. Consuming at least one glass of onion juice daily improves sexual performance. By playing this way regularly, the sexual power increases by about 200%. Those who do not like onion juice can also benefit from eating raw onion with food.

10. Works as anti-jaundice

Soaking one-fourth of an onion in lemon juice overnight will help in the morning. Stops nosebleeds. If bleeding from the nose, 3-4 drops of onion juice will stop the bleeding.

Disadvantages of onion

It is not at all safe for people allergic to onions. One of the sources of allergy is onion. Eating yaz can trigger adverse reactions in people who are allergic to onions, including skin and eye redness, itchy skin, breathing difficulties, body burning, etc.

Sulfuric acid is present in the gooey juice that floats in the air while cutting onions and brings tears to the eyes. This can cause eye burns and blindness if it comes in contact with the eyes.

Eating too much onion can be one of the causes of bad breath in humans. This side effect of raw onion can leave your mouth and breath smelly for a long time.

About Author

Sharmin Shimi