Comilla High school admission result

Are you looking for Comilla Modern High School Admission Result 2024? If you, then you are the right place. We will publish Comilla govt High School Admission Result and seat plan. Few day ago SMS & Web Based Govt School Admission system authority published circular.

Comilla Modern High School is a combined school in Cumilla, a city in Bangladesh. It was established in 1993. It is situated in Nazrul avenue. The Education Institute Identification Number (EIIN) of the school is 105767.

It has 2 shift. Presently morning shift is for girls’ and day shift is for boys’. Each shift is headed by an assistant head master. 5,123 students are studying in the school with 112 teachers. The number of teachers in morning shift are 54 and in day shift are 60. Morning shift starts in 7:00 am up to 12:00 pm then day shift continues in 12.30 pm up to 5.30 pm.

Comilla Modern High School Admission Result

You will get Comilla modern high school admission test result from the official website of the school by following this link- We would also provide the result on our website also.


Comilla Zilla School Admission Result

Comilla Modern school admission result PDF and JPEG format is also available on our website so you can check your result easily offline. If you want to get your result in the PDF format or JPEG format, you have to click on here.

Comilla Modern school admission result PDF

Comilla Modern school admission result merit list class 5 morning shift

Comilla Modern school admission result merit list class 5 day shift

Comilla Modern school admission result merit list class 6 morning shift

Comilla Modern school admission result merit list class 6 day shift

ভর্তি বিষয়ক আরও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন

গ্রুপ লিঙ্কঃ

Comilla High School Admission Result

If you are looking for Comilla high school admission result, you will get your result here on our website also. To get comilla high school admission result, click the link below.

The uniform is for boys; a white shirt with navy blue full trousers and white shoes and for girls; navy blue kameez with white shalwar and white shoes. The school monogram is printed on the shirt pocket.

Comilla High school admission result merit list class 3 morning shift

Comilla High school admission result merit list class 3 day shift

Comilla High school admission result merit list class 6 morning shift

Comilla High school admission result merit list class 6 day shift

Hopefully, you have got your Comilla Modern school admission result 2024 easily. We wish your great success.

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