With the continuation of assignment tasks for several weeks, students of class 10 are looking for their 4th week class 10 assignment tasks. You all know that students get different topics from different subjects to complete their assignments every week. This week, the authority has published assignment tasks for class 10 students on different topics and subjects. So here we are going to discuss everything about your class 10 assignment tasks in the 4th week.
4th Week Class 10 Assignment Answer
The authority has published a total of 25 weeks assignment grid (routine) for students of class 10 who are willing to sit for the SSC examination in 2025. In the 4th week, students need to complete and submit their assignments on the subjects of Bangla and English. Both assignments are 2nd number of assignments for respective subjects. Based on all the assignments, the performance or results of students will be evaluated.
So students of all levels should more on their assignments and must try to complete and submit their assignments in due time. Students will get different topics from Bangla and English subjects to complete their assignments. All the topics will be from the original textbook. So if students follow their original textbook, they will be able to complete their assignments easily. Students will also be able to get information from other sources if they want.
4th Week Class 10 Assignment Bangla
Bangla is one of the assignment subjects for the 4th week class 10 assignment tasks. This is the second number of assignment tasks on this subject. If you want to know more about this assignment topic, you can follow the link we have mentioned here.
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট বা নির্ধারিত কাজঃ বঙ্গবাণী কবিতার আলোকে মাতৃভাষার গুরুত্ব মূল্যায়ন;
শিখনফলঃ কবিতা পড়ে তার মূলভাব বিশ্লেষণ করতে পারবে।
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নির্দেশনা ( সংকেত/ধাপ/পরিধি):
১. কবি আবদুল হাকিমের মাতৃভাষায় গ্রন্থ রচনায় কারণ।
২. মাতৃভাষা বিদেশিদের প্রতি কবির মনোভাব।
৩. সাধারণ কথোপকথন, বইপত্র, সাইন, ব্যানার, সংবাদ ও গণমাধ্যম ইত্যাদি ক্ষেত্রে ভাষার অপপ্রয়োগ এর বিভিন্ন দৃষ্টান্ত উপস্থাপন। ( প্রয়োজনের ছবি ও পেপার কাটিং যুক্ত করা)
Class 10 Assignment English 4th Week
English assignment is another assignment subject in the 4th week for class 10 students. This is also the second English assignment subject for them. To know more about the 4th week class 10 assignment English subject, you can click on the link given here and download the information you need.
Assignment: People’s awareness to fight Covid-19 in Bangladesh
Learning outcomes: Ask and tell about the problems, Give suggestions
Instructions: Write an essay in 300 words including the clues below.
1. How do people behave in public places and in public transport? 2. Do people maintain social distancing during the lock down due to Covid-19, 3. How do people behave while moving from one place to another during festivals? 4. Why do they do that? 5. What could be the impact of such behavior? 6. What could you do as a responsible citizen of the country to prevent such behavior?
How to Get 4th Week Class 10 Assignment?
By visiting the official website- https://allresultbd.com, you will be able to get all the details of your weekly assignments. You can also install the AllResultBD android app from the Google play store and get all the relevant updates. You will also be able to get all the updates and important information with the explanation on our website here. So we would like to suggest that you should visit our website regularly to know all the important information on time.
Why 4th Week Class 10 Assignment is Important?
Not only the 4th week assignment but also all the assignments in 25 weeks are equally important. Since the result of students will be based on the performance on the assignment tasks, students must complete their assignments properly and submit them in due time. So if you are a student of class 10, you should follow the instructions we have provided in this article.
Final Words
We have clearly and elaborately explained everything regarding your 4th week class 10 assignment. We hope that you all have understood everything about this article. Still, if you have any doubt, do let us know through comment, we will get back to you with clarification as soon as possible.