Palli Bidyut Load Shedding Schedu

Palli Bidyut Load Shedding Schedule: Check-In Your Area

At present load shedding activities are ongoing in all districts and Upazilas of Bangladesh. Due to this public life has fallen into misery, as the intensity of heat is increasing day by day. So in this part, we are going to discuss with you the list or schedule of rural power load shedding. Therefore if you are using electricity supplied by Bangladesh Rural Electricity. So, to know about this ongoing load shedding confusion, check the Palli Bidyut load shedding schedule from the below section.

The main reason for this is the shortage of natural gas and the increase in the price of the fuel through which electricity is produced. Therefore, due to the increase in the price of energy, load shedding is being done temporarily so that the companies that produce and provide electricity in Bangladesh can temporarily compensate for their losses and not have to produce electricity at an additional cost.

Check also: Load Shedding Schedule In Dhaka City

Palli Bidyut Load shedding Schedule:

In place of creating load shedding in one era across the country, load shedding will be given at different times in different areas. In this case, there can be an electricity outage for two hours in the neighboring areas. 

Again, when there is electricity in the neighboring area, it will be seen that the other neighboring area will be provided with load shedding. This decision has been taken by all the electricity authorities that provide electricity all over Bangladesh and this decision will be implemented from today 19th of July.

Palli Bidyut Load Shedding Schedule PDF

Why is Palli Bidyut in the Most Trouble?

The country’s largest distribution company Rural Electrification Board (REB) has been hit the hardest. They have to do load shedding for hours in many areas. Customers outside Dhaka are suffering more.

REB provides about 55 percent of the country’s electricity. Out of the six distribution companies, the remaining five have disclosed load shedding routines but not centrally to REB. However, some of the 80 Palli Vidyut Samiti under the agency has released load shedding routines in their respective areas. A responsible officer of the organization told Prothom Alo that this routine has been requested from all the associations under them. It may be released today.

However, REB has been getting less electricity for several days. Their deficit is increasing every day. Their maximum deficit was 598 MW last Monday. The shortfall exceeded 800 MW just after 12:00 PM on this day. It continued to increase since yesterday morning. In the afternoon, the deficit increased to 1,600 MW. REB officials say that around Dhaka, 30 to 35 Palli Vidyut Samiti districts, including Rangpur and Mymensingh divisions, are in dire straits. Even after hours of load shedding, the situation cannot be kept under control.

Schedule List of Rural Electricity Load Shedding 2025

Rural electricity generates and supplies 85% of Bangladesh’s total electricity. From village to city there is an uninterrupted power supply of rural electricity. So naturally, Palli Vidyut is ahead in terms of the number of customers compared to other electricity generating companies or institutions. 

You are all aware that the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of the Government of Bangladesh. Energy, Minerals, and Power Minister Nasrul Uddin have taken a new initiative on load shedding. Where they said currently there is a power shortage in Bangladesh. In such a situation, load shedding will be given as per schedule. Welcoming the initiative, the Rural Electricity Authority released the schedule list for load shedding.

District Wise Palli Bidyut Load Shedding Schedule:

Yesterday, when each district-wise load shedding was announced, a list of which districts will have load shedding and which districts will be provided with electricity is provided. Through that list, we can know that the black marked houses will be provided with load shedding as per the above schedule and if you play an efficient role in electricity consumption along with load shedding then it will be seen that a lot of this problem will be solved.

From villages to port cities, Bangladesh’s rural electricity has forgotten connections everywhere. About .12 crore customers of the country are under Palli Vidyut. It is a popular power company used in deep tube wells apart from the general consumer level. Rural power companies or organizations have formulated load shedding schedules for initiatives taken by the government. The official website of Bangladesh Rural Electricity has published

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Sharmin Shimi

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