Due to floods in several parts of the country, including Sylhet, the SSC and equivalent examinations, which started on September 15, have been postponed. The changed start date of the test will be informed later. You all know that our government is imposing floods in almost every sector at a regular interval considering the condition of coronavirus outspread. No one is sure to say anything bout when the educational activities will start again. Everyone is looking for the SSC exam 2025 news.
In this article, we are going to talk about everything that we have come to know so far regarding your SSC exam 2025.
SSC Exam 2025 Update News Today
এসএসসি (SSC) পরীক্ষা স্থগিত- দিনাজপুর বোর্ড
২০২২ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার পরীক্ষার্থীসহ সংশ্লিষ্ট সকলকে জানানাে যাচ্ছে যে, দিনাজপুর শিক্ষা বাের্ডের অধীন ২০২২ সালের চলমান এসএসসি পরীক্ষার গণিত (১০৯), পদার্থবিজ্ঞান (১৩৬), কৃষিবিজ্ঞান (১৩৪) এবং রসায়ন (১৩৭) বিষয়ের পরীক্ষা অনিবার্য কারণবশত স্থগিত করা হলাে। স্থগিতকৃত বিষয়গুলাের পরীক্ষার তারিখ যথাসময়ে জানানাে হবে।
Number of SSC Candidates Across the Country
There are about 21 lakh students in 11 education boards across the country studying in SSC. But they were able to take classes in their institutions for only three months last year. So far this year, the doors of their schools or institutions have not opened. Most of the topics of their syllabus are remaining untaught. So everyone as well as their guardians is becoming very anxious regarding the SSC exam this year.
Considering the situation, if the schools and other institutions become open, many are assuming that there would be extra classes in the schools and other institutions. Students will have to go through a difficult time as there will be a lot of academic pressure on them. Right now, students cannot go to the coaching center because of Corona. Private tutors are also unable to come home provide tuition due to lockdown. All in all, the study is almost closed.
SSC Exam 2025 News
It seems like all have lost their way. No one knows when the schools will be opened when the examination will start. Students and their parents are not getting answers to these questions. Because of this situation, all are looking for the exact SSC exam 2025 news. However, we have come to know that whenever it is possible to open the school, classes will be taken for 60 working days. After that SSC and equivalent examination will be taken only after 15 more days.
This information was provided by Dhaka Education Board Chairman Professor Nehal Ahmed on Sunday in this month of April. He also said that the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) have already released a SSC short syllabus for this year’s SSC exams. The authority will prepare the SSC question paper based on that syllabus.
According to the Ministry of Education, the government has decided to open schools and colleges on May 23. If all goes well, schools and colleges will be opened on May 23 and public and private universities on May 24. After that, the government wants to take the secondary examination after 60 working days of teaching. All in all, the secondary examination is likely to be held at the end of August.
Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni had earlier told that a short syllabus of SSC and HSC has been prepared considering all the factors. It has also been sent to all educational institutions. Whenever it is possible to open the school, the teachers will teach the short syllabus and the examination will be taken with at least two more weeks in hand. Many have advised all the students to get prepared at home.
So we can say that considering the entire situation all over the country and world, all the students need to focus on their studies on their own. This is because no one is being able to help regarding the exam preparation. However, the authority is trying their best by offering assignment tasks and online classes.
Final Word
We hope that you have come to know some important information after reading our article on SSC exam 2025 news. So now it is your turn to act smart in this situation and get yourself prepared for any battle.