The result of Primary scholarship result 2024 will be published on 28th February. Primary and Mass Education Secretary Farid Ahmed announced this decision in a press conference at the Secretariat today. This press conference was organized on the recent activities of the Ministry. The State Minister for Primary and Mass Education highlighted the various activities undertaken by the Ministry in the press conference.
The preliminary scholarship examination was held last December 30. 20 percent of fifth grade students from each school get a chance to participate. This exam is conducted on the basis of 100 marks with 25 marks each in Bengali, English, Mathematics and Science subjects.
More than 82 thousand students will be given scholarships in this preliminary scholarship examination of class 5 held in December 2024. Out of this, 33 000 talent pool kids and 49 000 500 general grade students will receive scholarships.
When the Result will be Published?
Keeping in mind the new curriculum launched from last January, the final examination of the fifth class students was not conducted for three years, including last year. The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education policy makers were saying that this exam will not be held in the coming days. The Primary Scholarship result 2024 will be published on 1st March.
Check also: PSC Scholarship Result 2024
However, it was unexpectedly decided to hold the primary scholarship examination this year at an inter-ministerial conference held at the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education on November 28. Although the people related to education were saying that the decision of the primary scholarship examination at the end of the year will be harmful for the students on the one hand, as well as the changes in the future education system in the light of the new curriculum, it will also be negative.
How to Know Primary Scholarship Result?
- First, visit the official website of DPE.
- Now click on the “Graduation and Scholarship Result” category
- Now it will appear in the page in front of you.
- Select the “Single Result by Roll Number” option from the select option
- Select Primary Education Completion or Ibtedayi Result
- Enter exam year, division, district, upazila, roll
- Now tap on the submit button and get the result
প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর রেজাল্ট
The examination of Primary Education Completion in 2024 has been conducted very well and the answer sheets have been evaluated very well after taking this examination. So as a student, no matter how you appear in the exam, you have to check the result of this exam and follow the correct rules in checking the result. It is very sad but the truth is that even though everyone has an Android handset in their hand, they cannot recognize the correct website and follow the rules to check the result by going to the correct website, so many people cannot check their results.
Primary Scholarship Result 2024
Chittagong Division | বান্দরবান রাঙ্গামাটি খাগড়াছড়ি কক্সবাজার চট্টগ্রাম ফেনী নোয়াখালী লক্ষীপুর চাঁদপুর কুমিল্লা বাহ্মনবাড়িয়া |
Dhaka Division | গোপালগঞ্জ শরীয়তপুর মাদারীপুর ফরিদপুর রাজবাড়ী মুন্সীগঞ্জ নারায়ণগঞ্জ ঢাকা মানিকগঞ্জ নরসিংদী গাজীপুর টাংগাইল কিশোরগঞ্জ |
Khulna Division | বাগেরহাট খুলনা সাতক্ষীরা নড়াইল যশোর মাগুরা ঝিনাইদহ চূয়াডাঙ্গা মেহেরপুর কুষ্টিয়া |
Sylhet Division | মৌলভীবাজার হবিগঞ্জ সিলেট সুনামগঞ্জ |
Barisal Division | ভোলা পটুয়াখালী বরগুনা ঝালকাঠি পিরোজপুর বরিশাল |
Rajshahi Board | পাবনা সিরাজগঞ্জ নাটোর রাজশাহী চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ নওগাঁ বগুড়া জয়পুরহাট |
Rangpur Board | রংপুর গাইবান্ধা কুড়িগ্রাম লালমনিরহাট নীলফামারী দিনাজপুর ঠাকুরগাঁও পঞ্চগড় |
Mymensingh Division | নেত্রকোনা ময়মনসিংহ শেরপুর জামালপুর |
If the result is published in pdf file format then it will be download in pdf file format and there you will get primary education result in pdf file format as soon as you click on it the download will start.
See here: PSC Scholarship Admit Card PDF
Final words
In the case of scholarship in talentpool, 50% of the total scholarship will be given to male students and 50% to female students based on the number of students participating in the upazila based final examination.
Scholarship holders in talent-pool will get 300 taka per month, and general grade will get 225 taka per month. It is to be noted that on 30 December 2024, about 6 lakh students participated in the fifth class primary scholarship examination in upazila-based centers across the country. So, wait for the result that is going to be published very soon. Best of luck all the students.