Pool Panel Govt Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment 2025. Bangladesh government will appointed almost 17 Thousands & 5 Hundreds assistant teachers in Govt. primary school. This appointment will execute within 1 month. Candidates off Pool & panel will be recruiting in this time. This direction was send from Ministry of Primary and Mass Education to District Primary Education Officer (DPEO).
After this recruitment, at least 17 Thousands assistant teachers position will be vacant. In addition, there are more than 15 Thousands Head Teachers positions is empty now. Now 65 Thousands new old government primary schools have no teachers. In recent, There are almost 1 lac teachers positions is available is govt. primary schools. In it, 16 Thousands are head master & others are assistant teachers. In last month of August, 8 Hundreds & 98 BCS Cadres (34th Batch) are recommended for head master position. Now government is take initiative to fill the position of assistant teachers.
Pool and Panel Primary School Assistant Teacher Job Circular
There are 5 directions in notice by Primary & Mass Education Ministry to DPEO. In registered non-government primary schools, there are 7 Thousands 2 Hundreds & 18 panel candidates will be appointing by permission. And 10 Thousands & 255 Hundreds pool candidates also will appoint in govt. primary school.
Panel candidates will appointed in new & nationalization schools and Pool candidates will appointed in govt. Schools. Candidates will get priority to appoint in own area and district. But if the post is not empty, then candidates will be appointing alternating in nearest upojela, district & division. Panels validity date as finished in 8th April 2025. So panels time period will increase for 2 years.
You can also Check Primary School Teacher Circular 2025. In addition, there are more than 15 Thousands Head Teachers positions is empty now. For this, they recommended for Primary School head Master Job Circular.
Pool Panel Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment Circular
In 2010 21st April, government was published circular for registered primary school. After taking exam, a merit list was announced. In that list 42 thousands & 611 hundreds candidates was it. From them, only 10,514 candidates were appointed. Others 28 thousands were hanging. After that by candidates’ case, last year some were appointed. Others 7,218 candidates are appointing now.
PEDP-3 Primary Assistant Teacher Job circular
Other hand, in 4th August 2011, govt. was publish another circular & took exam. In that exam, 27 thousands 7 hundreds & 20 candidates were passed. Only 12 thousands & 701 hundreds passed candidates were appointed in available post. Others 15 thousands 19 candidates were under pool. There was word, Pool teachers were attached in upozila.
When schools did not have teachers, then those teachers were appointed there for temporary. In 14.09.2014, when government was published assistant teacher circular then pool candidates were case against govt.
In this case, candidates were challenge the legality of the circular. Because of they (pool teachers) were not getting permanent job. After that they filled more. For that, Pool & Panel Govt Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment are appointing now.
Director General Dr. Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal of Department of Primary Education (DPE) is telling to All Result BD that, there are available posts of teachers in schools. This time any pool panel candidates are not unemployed again. If you have any question about Pool Panel Govt Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment 2025 then comment below or message us through facebook.