Numbers in Spanish | Count Spanish Numbers 1 to 100

Numbers in Spanish | Count Spanish Numbers 1 to 100

How do you think Numbers in Spanish | Count Spanish Numbers 1 to 100. Are you worried about this topic today? We hope you don’t have to worry about this anymore because we are with you to the end. So, understand that you don’t need to worry much about this.

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As a person you need to learn the Spanish language in addition to counting the number of English languages in order to travel around the world or live in a country where Spanish is spoken.

That’s because you need this Spanish language calculator after waking up in the morning after working all day before going to bed at night to manage your life in that country.

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It is needed for everything from shopping at the grocery store to commuting in vehicles. Moreover, it appears that highly educated people are comfortable with local number system calculations.

Moreover, it is seen that you especially need this calculation for everything from mobile recharge locally to paying newspaper bills or sharing your flat number with neighbors.

Learning numeracy in any language is not an easy task. Although there are many irregular forms, using them is a very difficult task. Get our braids used to thinking about numbers in English! Be patient with yourself and practice this vocabulary as much as possible.

In this post today we have covered counting Spanish numbers from 1 to 100 with Spanish pronunciation. Although they can be a bit difficult to pronounce at first if you haven’t learned Spanish before.

But if you revise it a few times then you will remember it easily and good luck for you to start this journey. So let’s get started! Today we are going to learn how to count to 100 in Spanish and more importantly, how to use them!

Spanish numbers from 1 to 100:

When it comes to counting all the Spanish numbers, the hardest part is definitely the first thirty. Although later they start to get a lot easier. The easiest way to learn all cardinal Spanish numbers is by category, so let’s break them down into 10 groups today.

Counting with words from 1 to 10 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

1 – uno, 2 – dos, 3 – tres, 4 – cuatro, 5 – cinco, 6 – ses, 7 – site, 8 – ocho, 9 – nueve and 10 – diez.

Now you can get to know many of these. It is very important that you remember these base ten numbers, because we will be able to use them to create all the other numbers from here.

Counting with words from 11 to 20 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

11 – once, 12 – doce, 13 – tres, 14 – catores, 15 – quinces, 16 – dieciséis, 17 – decisate, 18 – dieciocho, 19 – diecinueve and 20 – vente.

These numbers from eleven to fifteen are still completely irregular so you just have to memorize them. The good news here is that from sixteen to nineteen it starts using a pattern.

Counting with words from 21 to 30 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

21 – ventune, 22 – ventidos, 23 – ventitres, 24 – venticuetro, 25 – venticinco, 26 – venticis, 27 – venticiate, 28 – ventioco, 29 – ventineuve and 30 – treinta.

Counting with words from 31 to 40 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

31 – Treinta y Uno, 32 – Treinta y Dos, 33 – Treinta y Tres, 34 – Treinta y cuatro, 35 – Treinta y Cinco. 36 – Treinta y Sis, 37 – Treinta y Site, 38 – Treinta y Ocho, 39 – Treinta y nueva and 40 – cuarenta.

Counting with words from 41 to 50 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

41= cuarenta y uno, 42= cuarenta y dos, 43= cuarenta y tres, 44= cuarenta y cuatro, 45 = cuarenta y cinco, 46= cuarenta y seis, 47 – cuarenta y siete, 48 – cuarenta y ocho, 49 – cuarenta y nueve and 50 – cinquenta.

Counting with words from 51 to 60 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

51= cincuenta y uno, 52= cincuenta y dos, 53= cincuenta y tres, 54= cincuenta y cuatro. 55 = cincuenta y cinco, 56= cincuenta y seis, 57 – cincuenta y siete, 58 – cincuenta y ocho, 59 – cincuenta y nueve and 60 – cecenta.

Counting with words from 61 to 70 covering Spanish numerals:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them.

61 – Sesenta y Uno, 62 – Sesenta y Dos, 63 – Sesenta y Tres, 64 – Sesenta y Cuatro, 65 – Sesenta y Cinco, 66 – Sesenta y Sis. 67 – Sesenta and Site, 68 – Sesenta y Ocho, 69 – Secenta y Neuve and 70 – Setenta.

Counting with words from 71 to 80 covering Spanish numerals:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

71 – Setenta y Uno, 72 – Setenta and Dos, 73 – Setenta y Tres, 74 – Setenta y Cuatro, 75 – Setenta y Cinco, 76 – Setenta y Sis, 77 – Setenta and Site, 78 – Setenta and Ocho, 79 – Setenta y neuve and 80 – ochenta.

Counting with words from 11 to 20 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

81= ochenta y uno, 82= ochenta y dos, 83 = ochenta y tres, 84= ochenta y cuatro. 85= ochenta y cinco, 86 – ochenta y seis, 87 – ochenta y siete, 88 – ochenta y ocho, 89 – ochenta y nueve and 90 – novelty.

Counting with words from 91 to 100 covering Spanish numbers:

Practice saying the numbers out loud if you want to memorize them right away.

91 – noventa y uno, 92 – noventa y dos, 93 – noventa y tres, 94 – noventa y cuatro, 95 – noventa y cinco, 96 – new, 99 – new place, 98 – new ocho, 99 – new new and 100 – cien.

Last words:

Today you can easily use Numbers in Spanish | Count Spanish Numbers 1 to 100 learning activities. He has been able to easily know as well as understand a clear sequence of information through this writing.

Although there are many books published on this topic in the market today, I would say that ours is unique from others.

About Author

Sharmin Shimi