National Chewing Gum Day

National Chewing Gum Day, History, Activities, Messages, Greeting and Quotes

The 30th of September is designated as National Chewing Gum Day each year. A gum base, flavors, colors, and some sort of sweetener—natural or synthetic—make up chewing gum. For many people, chewing gum is a common way to keep their breath fresh, give themselves something to do when they’re worried, or just to pass the time. We encourage folks to observe this holiday and eat their preferred variety of chewing gum on this day for all of those reasons.

Read more: National Chicken and Waffles Day

History of National Chewing Gum Day

Because chewing gum has been a tradition across time and nations, many anthropologists think that it likely evolved through a convergent evolutionary cultural process. It’s estimated that chewing gum dates back to the Neolithic Period about 12,000 years ago. In fact, birch bark tar-based chewing gum that is about 6,000 years old was discovered by researchers in Kierikki, Finland. Because there are still tooth impressions in it, they can tell that it has been chewed.

Despite the fact that different kinds of chewing gum made from spruce tree sap, birch bark tar, or other substances may be found all over the world, chewing gum wasn’t created in large quantities for commerce until 1848. John B. Curtis created and sold the first chewing gum for commercial use at this time. The State Of Main Pure Spruce gum was the name of this chewing gum. Two years later, individuals started producing gum from paraffin wax, which quickly overtook spruce gum in popularity. 

National Chewing Gum Day Activities

Purchase a selection of gum varieties from the store, then invite family or friends over for a tasting party! On a scale from 1 to 10, you can rate each flavor.

Gelatin, sugar, corn syrup, and flavoring are all items you can use to produce your own chewing gum at home. Easy and enjoyable to accomplish.

Bring your family and friends together for a fun contest to see who can blow the biggest bubble! By adding hurdles or forming teams, you can make it even more difficult.

Eat a piece of flavored gum to make your own unique treat! Examine several flavors, such as mint, berry, or cinnamon.

Give gum to friends, family, coworkers, or complete strangers to celebrate National Chewing Gum Day! Someone will grin as a result of this simple action.

Interesting Facts

  • During Prohibition, the demand for gum skyrocketed as individuals sought for products to cover up the odor of alcohol.
  • Pink was the only color remaining available to the makers, so that’s what the first bubble gum was painted.
  • A typical hour of chewing gum results in 11 calories burned.
  • When gum base is swallowed, it takes several days for it to leave your system because it cannot be digested.
  • You can stop crying by chewing gum as you cut onions.
  • Chewing gum that has been swallowed won’t cause bowel obstruction.
  • Chewing gum can improve one’s ability to focus.
  • Gum chewing can help keep your eyes from “popping” as a result of air pressure changes when you’re in the air.
  • Peanut butter can be used to remove chewing gum from hair.
  • Additionally, chewing gum after a meal helps lessen the amount of heartburn you suffer.

Messages, Greeting and Quotes

  • The greatest option is definitely bubblegum because it gives your gums a healthy workout. Happy National Bubble Gum Day, everyone!
  • You can always enjoy a piece of bubble gum. On National Bubble Gum Day, I’m sending you warm regards.
  • Just a friendly reminder that today is your day to enjoy some unrestricted bubblegum chewing. I hope you have a good time on National Bubble Gum Day.
  • Everybody looks forward to National Bubble Gum Day so that we can relive our childhood and enjoy the taste of bubble gum.
  • The saddest part about bubble gum is that it quickly loses its flavor, leaving us with little more than a piece of gum to chew. Greetings on National Bubblegum Day.
  • To enjoy a piece of bubble gum, you don’t have to be a child. To enjoy these bubble gums, all you need to do is to keep the kid inside of you alive. Greetings on National Bubblegum Day.

About Author

Sharmin Shimi