Ibas++ ibas.finance.gov.bd – Registration, Salary Login

Ibas++ ibas.finance.gov.bd – Registration, Salary Login

In the past, salary bills of employees were generated and submitted manually. Currently it is possible to submit it online through ibus++. Moreover, the payment of pension to the pensioners has now been greatly simplified as every month the pensioner now gets auto through his monthly pension bank account. From today’s article, you will know about Ibas++ ibas.finance.gov.bd login, registration and more. 

ibas++ is a government expenditure control software. It can be used to file salary bills of government officials and employees. You can now submit monthly salary bills and other allowance bills online very easily. Moreover, budget formulation and budget control have become very easy.

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What is Ibas++?

The Finance Ministry has launched a software to modernize the government’s financial management. Through which the government officials-employees can find out their salary and allowances with the job information. Finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhith officially inaugurated this software named iBAS Plus Plus (iBAS++) on December 17 last year.

Ibas++ is the consolidated budget of the government of Bangladesh and monitoring systems. It is an e-Government system, which mediates government budget formulation, allocation management, budget allocation, budget allocation, electricity generation, and its associated Hick or ETA central payment, revenue management, independent bank accounts. B Time – It can be done in less time.

Ibus++ is a centralized integrated budget formulation, implementation and accounting system software. It has a system for determining the salary and retirement allowance of government officials. Anyone who goes online to www.payfixation.gov.bd and enters NID number, post, joining date, number of time scales, selection grade information and latest scale information will get their pay in the new scale.

Similarly, retirement allowance information will be available. The salaries and allowances of those officers and employees will be determined automatically through this.

After giving the information online, his salary will be informed immediately through SMS. At the same time he will get a trucking number and employment letter. Two copies of this statement should be printed and signed by each of them and sent to the respective accounting office.

However, pensioners do not have to provide their information online. If the pensioner submits the photocopy of NID and photocopy of PPO book to the bank or accountancy office from which the pensioner withdraws the pension, they will provide this information online.

How to Use Ibas++?

To use ibus++, the user must open a user account. The specified application form has to be downloaded from the Finance Department website and submitted to the FSMU Branch of the Finance Department through the appropriate authority. Later, a user account is created in the name of the ibus++ user from the finance department and the user ID and one-time password are communicated to the mobile phone through SMS. Login to ibus++ with said user id and one time password.

How to do Ibas++ Registration?

The only people who can create an account on Ibas are government officials because it is an administrative task. The program is not made available to the general public. Therefore, it is prohibited for regular individuals like us to proviso make an account to access the system.

How to Login Ibas++?

iBus++ is an ergit-based software tool that allows you to use an ergit browser, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. It is essential to use the Mozilla Firefox Browser.

  • Open the address of Ibas++ (ibas.finance.gov.bd) in the e-Browser’s Address field. yours
  • User Name and Password are provided by FSMU.
  • Address Type of address for ibus++
  • After pressing Enter, you will be logged in to the login page.
  • Type your login ID in the Login ID field.
  • Type your password.
  • Job, because in Ibus++ all automatic functions are stored in memory.
  • In Captcha section please type the numbers
  • Another reason why today is to get Captcha number.
  • You can enter it in the auto-configuration ibus++, but only if you use Captcha.
  • Login After entering all the details of the user, click on the (Login) button to proceed.
  • Login ID, Password, Captcha information/numbers are correct or User authentication
  • A message box will appear related to Failed.
  • Expand to Who’s Password Forgot Password?
  • Enter your personal information to recover your password.
  • Configuration Guest Your configuration must also be enabled by iBAS++ Web Management.
  • After entering the correct information in the login form, the message will be displayed, but you have already completed the application process.

Submission of ibas++ Salary Bill

In the light of the said instructions, all the officers who have received salaries and allowances from Bangladesh Betar, Headquarters, Dhaka have been requested to submit the monthly salary and allowance bills online between 23rd and 25th of every month. This instruction is not only for wireless, if all the officers and employees submit the salary bill between 23-25 then it becomes easier to transmit the salary bill within the stipulated time. Otherwise the accounting office is under pressure and in some cases has to work on weekends.

When is the Best Time to File the Salary Bill Every Month?

The faster you submit the pay bill, the faster the token number will be read. The earlier the token is read, the faster the money will be sent to his bank account through EFT from the pay bill transmission. Token number is basically serial number for receiving money so late submission of salary bill will result in delay in receiving salary allowances it is normal.

Bangladesh Bank sends salary as per token or serial number. But if your bank receives EFT late then your account will be credited late. If many banks receive EFTs at the end of the day, late payment is a different matter. But if your bank accepts instand then whoever reads the token first will get paid first.

  • Online Pay Bill Submission Procedure:
  • First go to the first link by typing Online Paybill Submission and go to the link at www.ibas.financce.gov.bd/ibas2.
  • Login to the system by entering the registered user ID, password and captcha.
  • Click on Budget Execution option.
  • Then click on online pay bill submission option.
  • Select the fiscal year from Fiscal Year of Salary.
  • Select the month name from the drop down list of Month of Salary.
  • Click on Go Button to see if the below Salary and Withdrawals and Deductions are correct.
  • Go to Settings option if you want to change any information.
  • A password will be sent to your mobile if you press the submit button below.
  • Check that password from your mobile and click OK to complete your work. 
  • Salary submission done online.

ibas++ Module Facilities:

How many facilities do you get in ibas++ module? There are so many that you cannot imagine. We’re mentioning that below:

  • field offices can submit any kind of charge to the accounts office online;
  • Online registries of budget holders assigned to prepare budgets are available for budget control;
  • online menu for reporting and checking bill status;
  • ibas++ is used in accounting offices to process bills and payments as well as to automatically update various registers and ledgers;
  • Automatic updating of the GPF subledgers, loans, advances, and employee access to those ledgers;
  • Last Pay Certificates and automated service records, This feature is not currently usable but it will be in the near future;
  • Loan deduction will be automatically halted by its deduction date. Automatic computation of employee compensation based on loans and advance records, as well as an employee database maintained in iBAS++.
  • Here, you can access an electronic treasury bank interface, automatic bank reconciliations, and bank counseling. 
  • From ibas++, you may discover the auto generation reconfile statement.
  • Pension payments can now be made extremely easily for accounting modules by using Electronic Fund Transfer and a pension database.
  • Rapid reports, such as financial and accurate accounting A fantastic media for it is ibas++;
  • A significant amount of financial analysis based on financial sections and classification codes.

About Author

Sharmin Shimi