How to Clean Air Mattress

How to Clean Air Mattress? A Complete and Easy Guide

How to Clean Air Mattress: For you to use when camping or to provide visitors with a comfortable sleeping space while they stay at your house, air mattresses offer practical, simply storable alternatives. However, if you’re like most people, you probably haven’t cleaned your air mattress in years despite owning it for that long.

Unfortunately, filth and mold tend to gather on blow-up beds. If you don’t clean them frequently, they could develop an unpleasant odor, allergies, and impair how well you or your visitors sleep.

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Why You Need to Clean Your Air Mattress?

If you’ve never thought about cleaning your air mattress, you might be unsure whether routine cleaning is actually required. However, regular cleanings are necessary since a variety of contaminants can quickly cause air mattresses to become soiled.

Your air mattress accumulates dirt, dust, and hair every time you set it up because it is on the floor. Additionally, people who use your blow-up bed while they sleep leave behind sweat and dead skin cells, which assemble over time.

Last but not least, storing your air mattress in a basement or closet may make it more likely for mold and mildew to grow there. All of these impurities help keep your mattress clean overall.

How to Clean an Air Mattress? Steps to Follow

An air mattress may become more susceptible to dirt, dust, and debris when used outside. In addition, if you bring an air mattress camping or on a trip, dirt will also become trapped in it. 

Cleaning your air mattress after each usage or at regular intervals is the best method to keep it. Let’s go over some cleaning suggestions for air mattresses to ensure that your visitors have a comfortable stay and to discover how to remove stains from air mattresses. 

Part 1: 

  • Bring together the necessary equipment and materials before you start. 
  • You’ll need a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment, warm water, a soft cloth or sponge, baking soda, and a light detergent. 
  • Having these things on hand will make cleaning easier and guarantee that you have everything you need close at hand.
  • Carefully deflate your air mattress first. Take off all the linens, blankets, and other decor. 
  • Shake it gently to remove any loose debris and wave goodbye to any crumbs or dust bunnies that may be hiding inside. 
  • This step is essential to get your mattress ready for a thorough cleaning and make sure no debris gets caught.
  • Do not worry if you see any stains on your air mattress. Warm water and a mild detergent can be combined to make a straightforward stain remover. 
  • Watch the spots fade by dipping a cloth or sponge into the solution. The mattress material won’t be harmed by this focused strategy for stain removal.
  • The specifics of the washing instructions may vary depending on the merchant, so double-check the product’s tag. 

Part 2:

  • Allow baking soda to do its job if the smell emanating from your air mattress has become unpleasant. The surface of the mattress should be liberally sprinkled with baking soda, and then left to sit for a few hours. 
  • Your air mattress will smell as sweet as a field of flowers when the baking soda absorbs any unwelcome scents. Vacuum up the baking soda after the allotted time has passed.
  • With the help of your vacuum cleaner’s handy upholstery attachment, drive dust and dirt out the door. 
  • Vacuum the entire mattress surface using delicate strokes, giving special attention to seams and crevices where dirt likes to hide. 
  • Dust, pet hair, and other particles will be successfully removed by this thorough vacuuming, leaving your mattress spotless and allergen-free.

Part 3: 

  • Warm water can be used to dilute mild detergent to create a solution. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently clean the entire surface of your air mattress after dipping it into the soapy solution. 
  • Any lingering dirt and stains will be eliminated by this gentle cleaning procedure, leaving your mattress looking clean and welcoming for your subsequent use.
  • Keep in mind to focus on the sides and bottom when cleaning your air mattress. 
  • Gently wipe these areas with a microfiber cloth or sponge immersed in the mild detergent solution. This guarantees a complete cleaning and stops dirt or grime from building up over time.
  • Make sure there is no soap residue left on the mattress by wiping it off once more with a new cloth or towel that has been dampened with clean water. 
  • After that, use a dry cloth to pat the area to remove any extra moisture. 
  • Before storing or reinflating your air mattress, let it entirely dry out by air in a well-ventilated space.

Part 4: 

  • Address any mold or mildew on your air mattress as soon as you spot any telltale symptoms. 
  • White vinegar and water should be mixed in equal proportions, and the affected regions should be dabbed with a cloth or sponge.
  • Consider purchasing a mattress cover or protector to keep your air mattress clean and fresh for longer periods of time. 
  • These coverings serve as a shield between your mattress and any spills, stains, or dirt, making cleanup simpler and increasing the longevity of your mattress. 
  • For the most protection and comfort, choose a cover that fits snugly over your air mattress and is both waterproof and breathable.

How Often Should You Clean Your Air Mattress?

How often you clean your air mattress depends on how frequently you use it and the particular circumstances. You can use the following general rules to decide when it’s time to do some cleaning:

It’s a good idea to clean your air mattress at least every three to four months if you often use it, such as for camping vacations or as your main sleeping surface. This aids in getting rid of any built-up odors, sweat, and filth.

Once or twice a year cleaning should be adequate for air mattresses. These are only seldom used, such as for overnight guests or special events like sleepovers. It is best to clean the mattress as soon as possible if it has been exposed to spills, stains, or heavy use.

It’s crucial to give your air mattress a thorough cleaning before using it after being stored. Storage of a soiled mattress can result in foul smells and possible mold or mildew growth. It should be cleaned before being inflated for usage to prevent an unpleasant surprise after six months.

Accidents do happen, so if spills or stains appear on your air mattress, clean them right away. The more time that passes, the harder it could be to get rid of tough stains.

How do You Deodorize a Mattress?

There are a few methods for deodorizing and maintaining the fresh scent of your mattress. One method is to sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and then vacuum it up after it has sat for a few hours. Another option is to use a cloth refresher. Making your own natural fabric freshener by combining one part vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle is an additional alternative. Before making the bed again, spray the liquid onto the mattress and allow it to completely dry.


The use of an air mattress has a number of benefits. They are firstly significantly less expensive than conventional mattresses. They are perfect for camping excursions or other circumstances when you might need to switch sleeping arrangements regularly. Because they are also significantly lighter and easy to move around. Last, air mattresses offer a supportive, firm sleeping surface that may be customized to your requirements.

About Author

Sharmin Shimi
Sharmin Shimi is a tech expert and celebrity news enthusiast who writes with passion and insight. She simplifies tech trends and delivers the latest entertainment buzz, making complex topics engaging for all. For her, writing isn’t just a job—it’s a way of life.