The Holderness family consists of parents Penn and Kim and children Lola and Penn Charles and the Holderness family net worth is estimated to be around $1.5 million as of 2025. However, the main source of income is their YouTube channel. Also family members are Kim Holderness, Penn Holderness, Lola Holderness and Penn Charles.
The Holderness family is particularly known for creating family-centric videos on their various YouTube channels. But they have four channels in total and Holderness Family Music with about 796K subscribers where they upload their music Holderness Family Laughs with about 332K subscribers where they upload skits and parody videos Happy&Healthy with about 13.3K subscribers where Kim, the mother, is her personal vlog Uploader and PC Holderness With around 4.55 thousand subscribers where the younger son uploads his personal videos through the success of their various channels, the family has not only amassed a large following but also a lot of wealth. They also became one of the premier YouTube families across the platform.
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Holderness Family Net Worth
According to Famous People Today estimates, the Holderness family net worth is around $1.5 million. Their source of income is their YouTube channel, followed by podcasts, books and more. But their oldest and most subscribed YouTube channel is their Holderness Family Music, which is known to have more than 796K subscribers, moreover, it was created on September 6, 2011 and has accumulated more than 227,388,164 views since then. However, the content of this channel revolves around music parody sketches where the parents, Penn and Kim, create a particularly humorous parody of popular songs and music videos. However, this is their most successful channel and the one most known by the general public.
Besides, their second most successful YouTube channel is Holderness Family Laughs, which has more than 332K subscribers and was created on January 10, 2017, and has accumulated more than 124,380,699 views since then. Moreover they created this channel after the success of their first one and used it to upload non-musical sketches and then parodies. They even started uploading YouTube shorts on the channel.
About the family’s source of income
The family earns their income from their various ventures and these consist of their YouTube channel, followed by podcasts and books. But Holderness Family Music, their most subscribed channel, is also their most lucrative. Also, according to social media tabulation website SocialBlade, the family earns between about $247 to about $4K monthly and $3K to $47.5K annually from the channel.
Monthly and Annual Income from Holderness Family Music
Monthly and annual revenue from Holderness Family Music, the channel’s most successful video has surpassed nearly 18 million views, and they have over 38 videos that have either surpassed or are known to surpass one million views, but as such, according to SocialBlade, they Can do more than that.
The second most subscribed channel, Holderness Family Laughs, is also much more profitable. But actually, according to SocialBlade, it is much more profitable than the previous channel as they earn between about $948 to about $15.2K monthly and about $11.4K to about $182K annually from the channel.
They started their YouTube career in 2010 and
The family has been creating content since the early 2010s and rose to fame in 2013, and since then, the family has been making videos for over a decade now. Their first video to go viral was a parody of a popular rapper and actor Will Smith’s song, Miami, called XMAS Jammies. However, the song was released as a family digital Christmas card but gained instant fame overnight.
But it remains their most successful video and currently sits at over 18 million views at the time of writing this article. They also saw continued great success throughout the 2010s, creating holiday-themed parodies of popular songs by Snoop Dogg, Meghan Trainor, then Dean Martin, and Eminem, to name a few.
The family saw a resurgence of interest in their home during the COVID-19 pandemic in the early 2020s when they began making pandemic-themed videos, and the videos ranged from a Hamilton medley about wearing masks to a parody of the wildly popular animated movie Frozen, It’s Also known as Vaccination Day, is about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
The family consists exclusively of parents Penn and Kim and children Lola and Penn Charles, with Penn aged 48, Kim 46, followed by Lola aged 16 and Penn Charles aged 13. But the parents, Penn and Kim, have seen great success beyond their YouTube channel and have competed on and won the 33rd season of The Amazing Race.