Health Benefits of Corn Silk Tea

Amazing Health Benefits of Corn Silk Tea: Benefits and Side Effects

The stigma, or the strands that resemble yellow thread from the female corn blossom, is what is used to make corn silk. In conventional Chinese medicine, corn silk tea is frequently used to treat bladder infections. However, here are the health benefits of corn silk tea. 

Many diseases, according to some, may be treatable with corn silk tea. A handful of these, including cardiac problems and high blood sugar, have been researched by scientists. Scientists have not yet been able to conclusively demonstrate such assertions. 

What is Corn Silk?

The coating of shiny, thread-like strands known as corn silk is located between the corn husk and ear. A maize ear could have 300–600 corn silks. They are essential to vegetable reproduction as well as crop pollination. Pollen that fertilizes the cob and promotes kernel growth is trapped by the fibers. Corn silk, which additionally protects the kernels from the husk, keeps the corn ear’s moisture and sweetness.

Read more: Health Benefits of Coconut Water

7 Top Health Benefits of Corn Silk Tea

Despite being used as a natural remedy for millennia, there have been few research on the benefits of maize silk for health. However, other studies suggest that consuming corn silk and related products may be good for your health.

1. Antioxidant Activity

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes insulin action problems, glucose intolerance, and the potential for significant organ damage. The anti-oxidant-rich dried maize silk used to make corn silk tea has been shown to be useful in warding off diseases brought on by free radicals. 

2. Hypertension Treatment

When used with antihypertensive medications, corn silk tea has been found to be more effective than other antihypertensive pharmaceuticals for decreasing blood pressure when compared to taking existing medications and treatments for hypertension alone. 

3. Keeps Blood Sugar Concentration Consistent

Sugar concentrations that are too high may harm cells. Alkaloids and steroids, two bioactive substances abundant in corn silk, aid in controlling blood sugar concentration.

4. Encourages Weight Loss

In particular for people who consume a lot of fat in their diet, corn silk has been shown to facilitate weight management and have an anti-obese impact. So if you’re trying to make weight control easier, you might as well incorporate this tea into your routine.

5. Lessen Fatigue

According to studies, drinking corn silk tea helps your body tolerate exercise and recover from it with less fatigue. Therefore, you won’t feel overly worn out after drinking a cup of corn silk tea before or after beginning your exercise regimen.

6. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Corn silk tea has demonstrated cardioprotective properties and is useful in lowering the risk of cardiovascular illnesses since it is high in flavonoids. You can make sure you’re protecting your heart and avoiding heart disease with a cup of corn silk tea. 

7. Alleviate Urinary Issues

Corn silk has been used as an oral treatment to treat urinary inflammations, infections, irritable bladder, and other urinary-related issues because it possesses diuretic characteristics.

Potential Risks of Corn Silk Tea

To keep the calorie and sugar content of corn silk tea modest, take care not to add too much sugar, as with other teas. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other illnesses can be brought on by eating too many calories and sugars.

Pay attention not to consume excessive amounts of corn silk tea at once. If you are pregnant or nursing, eating a lot of corn silk may not be safe. Additionally, taking too much corn silk can interfere with the effectiveness of diabetic, high blood pressure, or low blood pressure medications.


Knowing that drinking tea is about more than just sating a craving or unwinding after a long day may make it feel much more thoughtful and meaningful. Finding a tea that both nourishes your body and your palate can be challenging. You won’t be let down by corn silk tea in this situation. 

You can enjoy relaxing teatime moments without being concerned about the potential bad effects by learning more about the advantages of corn silk tea. Within minutes, the golden beauty will provide you taste, flavor, and plenty of nutrition.

About Author

Sharmin Shimi
Sharmin Shimi is a tech expert and celebrity news enthusiast who writes with passion and insight. She simplifies tech trends and delivers the latest entertainment buzz, making complex topics engaging for all. For her, writing isn’t just a job—it’s a way of life.