Hanif Transport is providing transport services from anywhere in Bangladesh. It usually offers far -flung bus services. Hanif transport continues on the highways of different departments of Bangladesh. They provide tickets online. Moreover, they have several ticket counters in all the districts of Bangladesh. Where passengers provide ticket services. Today’s post is about to discuss Hanif bus counter contact number, ticket price, online booking.
About Hanif Bus Transport Service
Hanif has now occupied the transportation place on different routes from Dhaka city to places. Hanif transport services should be found at every level. And that is why it is mainly setting up its ticket counters in the village in every district of Bangladesh.
Hanif Transport fleet is AC and Non AC bus service. These buses are relatively better than other vehicles in such luxury. Since they have AC and non -AC bus services in their fleet. That is why people from all walks of life are going to be providing passenger services very safe and relentless.
Hanif Bus Overview
Transport Name | Hanif Enterprise |
Establishment Year | 1984 |
Service | Bus service all over Bangladesh |
Head Office Contact Number | 01755-538881 |
Hotline number | 16374 |
Online ticket | sohoz.com |
Website | hanif-enenerprise.com |
See also: Tungipara Express Bus Counter Number & Ticket Price, Online Booking
Hanif Bus Counter Contact Number
Counter name |
Mobile Number |
Kalyanpur-1 | 01713-049540, 01713-049541, 02-9010212 |
Kalyanpur-2 | 01713-049573, 02-9015782 |
Kalyanpur-3 | 01713-049574 |
Kalyanpur-4 | 01713-049561, 02-8091402, 02-9022953, 02-9015673 |
Shyamoli Ring Road-1 | 01713-402639 |
Shyamoli Ring Road-2 | 01713-049532 |
Gabtali | 02-9012902, 02-8056366, 01713-201722 |
Technical | 02-9008475, 01713-049541 |
Kalabagan | 01730-376342, 01713-402670, 02-8119901 |
Fakirapol | 02-7191512 |
Arambagh | 01730-376343, 01713-402631, 01713-402632, 01713-402671, 02-7194007 |
Savar | 01753-488476, 02-7747788, 02-7745823 |
Nabinagar | 01681-29999, 01753-488476 |
Panthapath | 01713-402641 |
Saidabad | 01713-402673 |
College Gate | 02-9144482 |
Rhinkhola | 01775-763339 |
Abdullahpur | 01713-049513 |
Narda | 01713-049579 |
Kachpur | 01687-480569 |
Hanif Bus Ticket Price
Hanif transport tickets can be purchased online as well as online. There are 30 to 40 Hanif bus counters in all departments and districts of Bangladesh. The passenger is up and down on this counter. Transport tickets are sold anywhere in Bangladesh. The price of each tickets depends on the distance of the area. However, there are Hanif bus tickets from 600 tk to 1800 tk.
Hanif Bus Ticket Online Booking
Many people want to know how to book a ticket for Hanif transport. The work is very easy and you can do it at home. Follow the steps below:
- First turn on your mobile phone or computer data connection.
- Then open any of the browser on the mobile or computer and search the search option and search the Shohoz.
- Now enter the first website on the search result. Then you will see a form where a website appears in front of you. Now fill in the form information correctly.
- When all the information is properly filled, click the Search Buses option. Now according to the information you have given, you will see the detailed list of the buses that will travel to your destination that day.
- Hanif Online Bus Ticket Booking Now you will now select any bus from Hanif Paribahan as per your choice.
- Select one or more seats as needed from empty seats.
- Then you will see how much money it will cost, including your ticket price and time without bus.
- Now you will see the Choose Boarding Point option under the total money. That is, you need to select the place you get on the bus.
- After selecting Boarding Point, click on the Continue option.
- Then bring you to the next option. Now fill in your information instead of Passinger Details.
- In the case of mailing, you must remember that your mail is one.
- Once all the information is properly filled, you will see your ticket details if you come down a little.
- Now you will see the insure option if you go down a little further. There you will see two options.
- Tick the one in any of the Confirming Verification box from below. Then scroll down a little further you will see Payment Method.
- Select Hanif Online Bus Ticket Booking How you want to make a payment.
- In Mobile Banking you will get all the domestic payment methods including development, rocket, cash.
- Now select how you want to make a payment and click on the’confirm ‘option.
- Your number verification code or OTP will appear.
- Place the code and click on the ‘Confirm’ button with a cash account pin.
- Then your bus will show in front of you and your email address will be copy. This
- Down you download the ticket. Then you can travel by printing Hanif online bus tickets from any computer on any computer.
Hanif Transport Head Office
There are counter offices everywhere in Bangladesh. These counter offices are managed by the head office of Hanif Paribahan. Any type of problem is solved by this head office. If you want to know details about Hanif Paribahan, you can contact their head office.
Hanif Paribahan Head Office
Address: 75/1, Courtbari, Mirpur
Gabtali, Dhaka-1216.
Phone: 02-9013582
Mobile: 01713201718
Most of the people tend to buy Hanif Paribahan bus tickets online. Hanif Paribahan provides transportation services from any place in Bangladesh to its destination. Moreover, many people choose Hanif Paribahan as their travel companion because of the convenience of buying Hanif Paribahan online tickets. Hope you know details about hanif bus counter contact number, Ticket Price, Online Booking.