How to Get to Altus Plateau Elden Ring

How to Get to Altus Plateau Elden Ring? Easy Ways to Follow

How to Get to Altus Plateau Elden Ring? The Altas Plateau is the region directly north of Liurnia, and is known as the gateway to the capital city of Lendel, and lies between the Capital Outskirts to the eastward and the volcanic To the west is Mount Gelmir.It can be reached via Dectus’ Grand Lift, or the perilous trek up the nearby ruin-strewn precipice – This leads to the plateau’s narrow mountain pass.The plateau is home to large plains that Still bear the marks of the devastating battle when the capital itself was besieged, as many camps still stand. 

The Elden Ring map is absolutely huge It may be the largest of the Luurnia regions in terms of sheer traversable space, but the Altas Plateau north of it is the most confusing for new players to reach. The Altas Plateau is right next to the capital Leindel and It’s the main route to the capital, which means you’ll have to learn how to get to it sooner or later. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to reach Altas Plateau using Dectus’ Grand Lift or Hidden Path.

How to Get to Altus Plateau Elden Ring?

There are three ways to get to the Altas Plateau in the Elden Ring. The most obvious way to get to the Altas Plateau is via the Grand Lift of Dectus at the very northeast end of Lurnia. This elevator will take you directly to the Altas Plateau, but it can only be activated by finding both parts of the Ductus Medallion. And it can prove a bit difficult at this stage of the game, as it requires you to first enter the Caelid – an area we consider more challenging than the Altus Plateau in our Elden Ring area order guide.

If you help Millicent and Sage Gawry bring back the Unalloyed Gold Needle to Clyde and return to Gawry’s shack to see Millicent on her journey, you’ll find her north of Grace’s Nerdtree-Grazing Hill site. In the Shaded Castle mini-dungeon, he can still use a hand one for his response. He will also assist you in combating the Godskin Apostle at the summit of Windmill Village if you give him the Valkyrie’s Prosthesis you discover there. Either way, he will appear to the boss after he dies.

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If you have followed his quest line from Mulgrave to Liurnia, giving him both the Sewing Needle and the Golden Sewing Needle, he will appear at Grace’s Altus Highway Junction site once you rest. The poor little guy will ask permission to call you “Sir” and help you change your clothes for free.

How to reach Ruin-Strown Precipice

To reach the Ruin-Strewn Precipice, follow the lake valley north of Liurnia. At the end of the path you will see a steep face with carved pillars and wooden structures rising above the walls. From there you can climb a ladder to the Ruin-Strew Precipice. The Ruin-Strew Precipice and Grand Lift of Dectus are marked on the Elden Ring map section.

The easiest and best way to enter the Altus Plateau is the Ruin-Strewn Precipice path. We recommend you take the Ruin-Strewn Precipice path to Altus Plateau. This area is guarded by enemies, but if you’ve already fought your way through Lurnia, none of them should be out of your level.


Maybe now you know how to get to Altus Plateau Elden Ring. Caleb is a much more challenging area than the Altas Plateau as a whole, so it makes more sense for us to go through the ruin-strewn precipices. If you complete his request in Lurnea to retrieve his necklace from the Blackguard Big Bogart, he will be waiting for you to enter the area from Dectus’ Grand Elevator. As a reward for proving yourself, he’ll offer to teleport you directly to Mount Gelmir’s volcanic manor – saving you a very dangerous trip.

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Sharmin Shimi
Sharmin Shimi is a tech expert and celebrity news enthusiast who writes with passion and insight. She simplifies tech trends and delivers the latest entertainment buzz, making complex topics engaging for all. For her, writing isn’t just a job—it’s a way of life.