
Can You Drop off USPS Packages At UPS?

If you have a UPS store near your house or you have both UPS and USPS packages to drop off, you might wonder if it’s possible to get the job done at the UPS store. Can you drop off USPS packages at UPS? In this article, we will provide you with a full picture of whether it’s possible, whether it’s safe, and what better options you have.

Will UPS accept USPS packages? 

Whether or not the UPS store will accept your USPS packages varies widely depending on the location. In general, UPS stores will show some reluctance to accept USPS packages because it is extra work for them, and they do not gain any personal profit from it. However, most UPS stores will still accept USPS packages as long as they are prepaid. 

But again, things might be different in certain UPS stores. Though they are franchises, individual stores operate on their own terms. They might outright reject taking your package. Some stores, typically in larger cities, may charge a small fee in exchange for taking USPS packages. Usually, it is not more than a couple of dollars. Again, some stores may take smaller packages for free but charge for the larger ones or not accept them at all. But most local stores in smaller cities will do it for free out of the goodness of their hearts. 

However, keep in mind that this only applies to prepaid packages. Most stores will refuse to accept anything else. You should not drop your USPS package in standalone UPS boxes because there is a huge chance it will be removed and your package will be lost.

What will UPS do with your USPS package?

A common question regarding this topic is whether UPS will drop off your package directly at the post office. The answer is that, unless they have too much time on their hands, they usually won’t. Instead, they will keep the package with them until the scheduled weekly pickup. There, they will hand over the package to USPS, who will then complete the delivery as normal. Basically, UPS will act as a mere middleman in the whole process.

Is there any risk associated with dropping USPS packages at UPS? 

Yes, there are definitely risks associated with dropping USPS packages at UPS. Which is why this is often discouraged.

The biggest drawback is that UPS stores will not scan the USPS package, no matter how much you request them to. If they do not scan the package, they will also not provide you with a receipt or any other form of solid proof that the package is yours. 

A lot of the time, this does not cause any issues because USPS will pick up the package from the UPS store as normal. But it’s also not uncommon for packages to get misplaced or lost with no way to be returned to you because there is no proof that they belong to you. In fact, there is no proof it even exists in the first place. You could go to the post office for help, but it’s highly unlikely they will be able to do anything about it. 

So if you get the shorter end of the stick, it will be a significant loss for you.

Are there any alternative locations where you can drop off USPS packages?

Yes, there are much better options to drop off your USPS packages than to take the risk of a scanless pass-on via UPS. This includes:

Post Office

Your best option is to take it directly to your local post office. It is much safer, and there is a much lesser chance of it getting misplaced there. You can locate your nearest post office via Google Maps.

USPS Collection Boxes

There are separate mailboxes all around town dedicated to accepting only USPS packages. These are always blue in colour. You can find the location of these mailboxes through USPS’s own location finder site, Just go to the Send tab at the top of the page and click on ‘Find USPS locations’.

Schedule a Pickup

The site mentioned above allows you to schedule a pickup or redelivery easily. In that case, USPS workers will come to your doorstep or preferred location to take the packages. The best part is that the service is 100% free. 

In conclusion, it’s not impossible to drop off USPS packages at UPS stores, but it’s not recommended as a safety measure. There are better, cheaper, and safer options available for you.   

About Author

Tahsin Anika