Biocaps in State of Survival

How to Use Biocaps in State of Survival? Best Way

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What is Biocap?

Basically Bio Cap is a single capsule that contains 14 different vitamins and 6 essential minerals in addition to royal jelly and ginseng. Bio Caps Plus® is the smallest multivitamin and mineral capsule in the Saudi market. It is even beneficial for children and teenagers and people who have problems with dysphagia.

What is the use of bio cap?

It is a multivitamin drug or product used to treat and prevent vitamin deficiencies caused by a poor diet or certain illnesses. A combination of vitamins are important building blocks of the body as well as help in maintaining your good health.

How to spend these biocaps and get Guide State of Survival:

In survival states, biocaps are one of the most important types of resources you have. You can use these biocaps for various purposes in State of Survival, including troop training, research, item purchases, VIP time, etc.

Your biocaps can be used for almost anything you need in your survival state, although they are hard to come by. To get the most out of them, you need to know how to get them and how to spend them. These biocaps can be obtained in a variety of free ways, as well as through a pay-to-win strategy in which you purchase in-game bundles to do so.

Where to spend Biocap:

There are many locations in this State of Survival where you can spend BioCap, though not all of them offer the best value. As a result, knowing where to spend them is also important.

Settlement Buffs:

If you are new to this as a player, settlement buffs are a great way to spend your biocaps. You’ll use biocaps to boost build speed or research speed in settlement buffs, which will give you a build bonus and are very important to your development speed. If you run out of resources, you can use the Collector buff, which is a great way to spend these biocaps.


There are many events here, and it can be worthwhile spending biocaps on them. This is worthwhile when there is an event that will give you pieces of your legendary hero and are truly hard to come by. The Ray’s Place event here is one of the best.

Expediting research as well as construction work:

Spending your biocapital on research and development is not at all advisable. Over time, you’ll be able to upgrade all the buildings and conduct research, which will basically add to the waste of biocaps. If you spend a lot of time in the game, you can spend BioCap on research and construction work.

Survival tips and tricks for new players:

For VIP Points:

One of the most important things to get you up to speed is the biocap spent on these VIP points. As soon as possible you want to get to LVL 8 of VIP, so that every day you can get free pieces from the VIP book of this legendary hero. Y This time you also get a free March slot, which will help you collect resources along with battles.

For BioCap VIP Period:

Once your VIP level reaches a reasonable level, now you need to activate VIP to receive buffs and rewards. You buy VIP time with these biocaps, and you better get 30 days of VIP time with 10k biocaps. It will give you maximum value.

What do we know?

How beautifully we do everything. But how much do we know about the One who created us so beautifully as Ashraful Makhlukat. It is not necessary for us to obey his orders.


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Sharmin Shimi