AFK Arena Elder Tree Guide

AFK Arena Elder Tree Guide: Detailed about Build Priority

The Elder Tree is a feature found in the AFK Arena Library. After completing Campaign Missions 8–40, it can be unlocked. To improve all of their heroes’ attributes and provide them perks, players can level up the Elder Tree. From this article you will know about afk arena elder tree guide.

Players can access the Dura’s Virtues feature after finishing stages 12–40 and leveling up to level 15 of Elder Tree. A certain hero class type correlates to each virtue branch.

Check also: Hero Reset State of Survival

About Different Tree:

Sustenance Tree 

The overall rating of this is 5/10, which denotes that it is not a viable purchase. Previously a tree elect, sustenance now fills a very specific niche and is useful in boss battles, PvP matches, the Championship of the Legends, and gambit teams, which are utilized to combat campaign foes. 

Sorcery Tree

One of the strongest trees in the game, particularly for players who are not very adept at campaigns. This tree’s attack stats are enormous, the crit enhances viability, and the dodge can aid heroes with special abilities. 

Celerity Tree

The best tree in the game is without a doubt this one. This tree needs to be given top importance. It has a fairly high grade and is incredibly strong. 

AFK Arena Elder Tree Guide

  • When an Elite hero is purchased for the first time or when an Elite hero is promoted, Flawless Droplets can be obtained. The Elder Tree’s level can be raised by using Flawless Droplets there. The number of heroes in the game will determine when the level will cap.
  • The amount of Flawless Droplets you receive for unlocking Ascended tier heroes varies depending on your ascension level: 1 for reaching Ascended, 1 more for reaching Elite+, 4 for reaching Legendary, 2 for reaching Legendary+, 8 for reaching Mythic, another 8 for reaching Mythic+, and 4 for reaching Ascended. 
  • You will receive a total of 28 drops, excluding star ascension bonuses. Each star also yields two drops. All heroes’ qualities will be influenced by the Elder Tree’s traits.
  • Once Chapter 12 is finished and the Elder Tree has been leveled up to level 15, Dura’s virtues will become available. Each virtue is a type of hero. The following are the classes that Dura’s Virtues stand for: Support, Tank, Warrior, Ranger, and Mage.
  • Twisted Essence can be used to level up each and every Virtue branch on the Elder Tree. A virtue’s benefits to heroes will rise as it advances in level. The AFK rewards chest and Twisted Realm guild hunts both contain the Twisted Essence.
  • Anytime you choose, you can reset your virtue branches for 300 Diamonds or by using a reset scroll.


Legends claim that during the first Hypogean invasion, Dura, the goddess of life, gave her life in order to seal the demonic invaders who posed a threat to Esperia’s survival. According to legend, as she descended from the sky in her frail state, she found refuge in a remote forest. Today, this woodland is home to a massive mystical tree known as “The Elder Tree” that stands there.

These two trees are the most helpful in the game, even if there are many others that we were unable to discuss in this guide. In order to assist you move through the game more effectively if you were stuck, we hope this tutorial has been useful in helping you grasp the elder tree. So that you can get the most enjoyment out of the game, keep in mind the advice and suggestions we’ve provided in this guide. Don’t forget to play AFK Arena on your computer because now you know all about this game with this guide.

About Author

Sharmin Shimi