BSMMU Corona Test Online Registration. The world is currently battling a pandemic of Corona-virus. Most of the first-world countries have already taken a severe hit despite being highly medically equipped. Bangladesh being a third-world country, has been struggling to cope with the situation with an under-prepared medical system. However, relevant authorities introduced the Corona test online BD to support the public and affected people.
Corona test online in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a densely populated country. A pandemic is an extreme threat for the government to tackle with such a huge population and a medical industry that is already considerably under-equipped to even serve the population in normal situations. Testing as many people per million has been advised by the WHO. And people are facing harsh situations when they are coming to get tested for the virus.
Long queues, having been denied the test and treatments, are now a very common and unfortunate scene in every coronavirus testing site. To alleviate the situation, different medical officials have created Corona test online BD platforms like BSMMU and the ministry of telecommunication and Information Technology.
BSMMU Corona Test Online Appointment
Testing as many suspects as possible is one the most important advice from WHO to tackle the pandemic and to execute that, Fever clinic of BSMMU has launched an online appointment system which will be operated by the medical university authority to appoint patients for testing Coronavirus.
অন্তঃসত্ত্বা নারীদের করোনা পরীক্ষা করানোর জন্যে কোন অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট এর প্রয়োজন নেই !!! তারা যথাসময়ে সরাসরি উপস্থিত হয়ে অগ্রাধিকার ভিত্তিতে পরীক্ষা করাতে পারবেন !!!! বিএসএমএমইউ ফিভার ক্লিনিকের অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট নিতে চাইলে “অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট ফর্ম” পূরণ করুন।
BSMMU Corona Test Online Registration
Suspected patients will have to visit where an online form will be available.
After the form is successfully submitted, BSMMU will send an SMS stating the time and date of the testing appointment. This SMS is applicable for both treatment and Covid-19 test. The registration will start at 8 am in the morning every day and a maximum of 400 patients will be appointed each day according to the capability to support the patients by the university. Point to be noted, no patient will be treated or tested without this online appointment in BSMMU.
Coronavirus Live Update News in Bangladesh
Corona Tracer BD app to check for Coronavirus symptoms
Other than BSMMU, the ministry of telecommunication and Information Technology has launched an app to check for Coronavirus symptoms by uploading a chest X-ray image and through answering some relevant questions. This will reduce the extra pressure on the hospitals to check for Covid-19. The virus is also highly contagious so crowding at the hospital will cause a faster spread of the virus.
This app will use 3 different colors to differentiate the infected, quarantined, and healthy people. Law enforcement agencies will be able to monitor the population from the offices through the app. This Corona test online BD platform will be operated by Teletalk and all data will be protected.
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BSMMU Corona Test Online Registration system are available above. As the situation is particularly harsh in hospitals with Coronavirus pandemic, please be kind towards the patients maintaining all the cautionary measures. The new corona test online BD platforms will help with crowds overwhelming the medical centers and hospitals and reduce the virus from further spreading from these places.