Bangladeshi 3 Private Universities Students cannot be Lawyer. Three private universities students cannot be Lawyer in Bangladesh for some laws. So you must be careful to get admission any Private University.
Bangladeshi 3 Private Universities Students cannot be Lawyer. Bangladesh Bar Council suspended giving registration of three private universities to the students. These three private universities are- Darul Ihsan University, IBAIS University and America Bangladesh University. And also postponed to Atish Dipankar University used for the registration for the students as more investigation required about it.
Darul Ihsan University (DIU) founded at 1989, is a purely non-profit educational organization. It is also being residential out of the funds or contributions made available, like other private Universities. This university’s one campus is already barred by UGC for its irregularity.
America Bangladesh University (ABU) founded at 1997, is a invalid private university. Main Campus of the university is located at 54/1, Progati Sarani Baridhara-Nodda, Dhaka – 1212.
IBAIS University founded at August 2002, is a Private & non-profit educational institution in Bangladesh. Main campus is located at House # 21/A, Road# 16(27 Old) Dhanmondi., Road No.16, Dhaka- 1209.
Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology (ADUST) founded at 2004, is a private university located at Banani, Dhaka. This university was named after Atish Dipankara Srijnana, the ancient Buddhist scholar.
On 27th November 2014, Khandakar Mahbub Hossain Vice-chairman of bar council disclosed the information at a press conference detained in Bar Council office.
They will not be permissible to sit for the Bar Council employment examination to register as a lawyer. The Bar Council obtained the decision while cases against the three universities are under assessment with the High Court for various indiscretions. So, these Private University’s students cannot be Lawyer more.
According to the rules, Law students’ registrations are compulsory to be a lawyer after passing the LLB course from any government or non-government universities or colleges.
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