Covid 19 has changed the whole scenario of the Education sector of Bangladesh. Many institutions have remained close from the beginning of the spread of the Corona Virus, and many institutions are conducting their activities online. Many other institutions are taking assignments. As per the instructions of the Education Board, from class 6 to class 9 should take weekly lessons to conduct their activities. Now, the new inclusion is Alim. Alim Bangla 1st paper Assignment has already been assigned as their 1st week assignment.
Alim Bangla 1st Paper Assignment 2021
The good news is that Alim Bangla 1st paper Assignment has been published. Civics, Physics, and economics assignment have also been published in the 1st week. Assignments of other subjects will be posted gradually. Education Board will publish other subject’s assignments in the coming weeks. Do not worry about anything.
Check also: Alim Economics 1st Paper Assignment Answer
Now, we will talk about the Alim Bangla 1st paper Assignment. We hope this will help to guide you on the right path. The assignment is based on a story which is written by Rabindranath Tagore. The name of the story is “Oporichita” “(অপরিচিতা).” The assignment is to identify those key points that are helping women to move forward.
Alim Bangla 1st Paper Assignment Answer 1st Week
For this Alim Bangla 1st paper Assignment, every student of Alim should read the story very carefully. So you should go through the story as many times as you can. This is because this will help you to find more and more key points related to your topic. Again, you have to link up the reality as it said to the assignment.
অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ ‘অপরিচিতা’ গল্প এবং বাস্তব দৃষ্টান্তের ভিত্তিতে নারীর এগিয়ে চলার পথে সহায়ক ভূমিকা চিহ্নিতকরণ;
নির্দেশনা (সংকেত/ধাপ/পরিধি):
১. ‘অপরিচিতা’ গল্প অনুসরণে কল্যাণীর সংকট এবং এ থেকে বেরিয়ে আসার জন্য তার দৃঢ়চেতা মনােভাবের পরিচয়।
২. অনুপম এবং অন্যদের ভূমিকা ইতিবাচক হলে কল্যাণীর জীবন কেমন হতে পারত, এর বিবরণ।
৩. বাস্তব অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে চেনা/জানা কোনাে নারীর এগিয়ে চলার পথে প্রতিবন্ধকতাগুলাে নির্দিষ্টভাবে চিহ্নিত করা।
৪. পঠিত গল্প ও চেনা/জানা ঘটনার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে নারীর এগিয়ে চলার পথে সহায়ক ভূমিকাগুলাে চিহ্নিত করা।
৫. শব্দপ্রয়ােগ, বাক্যগঠন, বানান, বিরামচিহ্ন যথাযথ রাখা।
So, read articles about women’s empowerment of today and relate it to the text “Oporichita (অপরিচিতা).” To make things easier for you, we will post more about Alim Bangla 1st paper Assignment soon. We will discuss the significance of women in that text and how it can relate to the reality of today also. Please check our website or the given link here for more details. You will also get information regarding this by visiting the official website.
Read more: Alim Assignment 2025 1st Week
We hope that everything is clear about Alim Bangla 1st paper Assignment. Please keep your eyes on our website for more information about all of your assignments. It will surely help you to make your answer script more precise and perfect. We are always here to help you with any type of your academic need.